Developing a Pallet Detection Model Using OpenUSD and Synthetic Data

Originally published at:

By iteratively developing with synthetic data, our team developed a pallet detection model that works on real-world images.

Hi, could you share the code based on USD Scene Construction Utilities that was used to generate the pallet scene for Replicator?

Interesting - especially as I’ve been pursuing the almost identical task! Some thoughts:

  • Replicator is limited - as any tool of course. I’ve found that it’s useful to extend Replicator to:
    • Add ‘defects’ at an internal USD level to provide a wider range of ‘real’ pallets
    • Create composite objects - combining multiple USD objects in addition to your core object (such as a pallet), e.g., adding boxes, shrink wrap, etc.
  • For detection, I knew the small range of pallets that were possible, e.g., it’s a Euro 1, or GMA, or CHEP for example. I then successfully used a key points ML approach followed by PNP to get the pallet pose. Very accurate, and supports occlusions. (Sub cm accuracy, sub degree for yaw.)
  • Synthetic only goes so far of course. I had access to a Motion Capture lab for accurate, ‘real’ data. Definitely, definitely needed beyond synthetic. I’d say synthetic is great to get started with - it’s cheap, and probably useful for hard-to-find situations over time - but one quickly gets to a point where it’s got to be primarily ‘real’. (Whole Sim2Real discussion, eh?)

Love to take offline if interested.

FYI - here’s a recent Medium paper on dithering the USD internals (of a CAD version of a GMA pallet), including a github for code… A (simple) Tool for Creating Better Synthetic Images for ML Training | by Peter Gaston | Sep, 2023 | Medium

Example of dithering the internals of a USD object - colors exaggerated for emphasis… The front-to-back boards and the front top/bottom boards are slightly translated/rotated.

Here’s an example of pose - using a combination of initially synthetic data followed by ‘real’ data…

how can I transform the 3D coordinates of bounding_box_3d_0000.npy to the 2D image annotation

The MiR Red Dragon forklift was released. Check out this frame from the rollout video!

would you like to share the project how to create the Synthetic Data?