As title, we want to make sure the Orin Nano (4G/8G) super mode can support PCIe Gen3 or Gen4. I checked the lasted datasheet as below and it still shows Gen4. Is it correct?
Thank You.
As title, we want to make sure the Orin Nano (4G/8G) super mode can support PCIe Gen3 or Gen4. I checked the lasted datasheet as below and it still shows Gen4. Is it correct?
Thank You.
Those Gen4 references appear to have been in the data sheet for a while. That is not correct though. Orin Nano supports a maximum of Gen3 for PCIe. You still need Orin NX to get Gen4 speeds on the PCIe. I am working to get the Nano data sheet corrected. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!