DS18b20 with Jetson nano?

Hi everyone,
I’m using Jetson nano with Jetpack 4.4! and i can not use digital port to read from sensor temperature onewire DS18b20 because i can not use ds18b20 library on raspberry or arduino.
I’m coding with python and have to read ds18b20 from a arduino then connect that arduino to jetson nano with UART!
Can any one help me?
Thank you!

hello khuomdt3,

please refer to developer guide, you may check Configuring the 40-Pin Expansion Header for the Jetson-IO python tools.
you may also check [url]https://www.jetsonhacks.com/nvidia-jetson-nano-j41-header-pinout/[/url] for the Jetson Nano J41 Header Pinouts to setup the UART communication.
FYI, the default bardrate is 115200/8n1,

Hi @JerryChang
I mean i had already read ds18b20 value with arduino by UART but i want to know if i can read ds18b20 with jetson’s pin.
Because i can not use onewire library for Jetson Nano with python!
Thank you for your reply

hello khuomdt3,

we’re having some internal investigation for OneWire protocol supports.
will update this forum thread after we have conclusions.

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Hi khuomdt3

You can enable the kerne configs CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_THERM
CONFIG_W1 and connect your device over 40 pin GPIO and it should work.
You also need to add dt entry, example
onewire@0 {
compatible = “w1-gpio”;
gpios = <&gpio TEGRA_GPIO(H, 4) 0>;

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Thank you @Bibek i will try but i see you are guild me with C++ code right? i’m using python3! not sure can help me!

the kernel driver is not enabled . You need to recompile the kernel after enabling the driver. Then the sysfs nodes will be available for access. You can access over python also.

How do you enable the CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_THERM CONFIG_W1 driver and then recompile the kernel? I’m pretty new to Jetson Nano and have never done anything with the kernel before.

Hi briankmetz317,

Please help to open a new topic if that’s still an issue. Thanks