Effective bandwidth of stencil algorithms

This is a follow-up issue to the comment here: New edition of "CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers" - #2 by ivan.pribec1

I’ve been trying to implement a few exercises following the CUDA Fortran for Scientists book. Chapter 9 contains an example of using shared memory to cache field values, before computing the finite-difference stencil. This is done to improve memory access order and effective bandwidth.

I found a couple of resources that discuss the use of shared memory for stencils:

Before attempting the shared-memory version and the complicated extra work needed to fill the halo cells at block level (more troublesome in the context of higher-order stencils…), I thought I’d try to establish a baseline using the easier directive-based parallelization methods:

! test_xy_der.f90 -- 
!     Test for effective bandwidth of 2-d mixed derivative FD stencil
!     Uses OpenACC, stdpar, OpenMP, and CUDA Fortran; in other words
!     don't forget the flags `-cuda -acc=gpu -mp=gpu -stdpar=gpu`
! Ivan Pribec, September 3, 2024

module xy_der_mod

implicit none

integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1.0d0)


   subroutine set_known_field(nx,ny,f,f_xy)
      integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
      real(wp), intent(out) :: f(nx,ny)
      real(wp), intent(out) :: f_xy(nx,ny)

      real(wp), parameter :: pi = 4*atan(1.0_wp)
      real(wp) :: x, y, dx, dy
      integer :: i, j

      do j = 1, ny
         do i = 1, nx

            x = (i-1) + 0.5_wp
            y = (j-1) + 0.5_wp

            ! known function
            f(i,j) = sin(2*pi*(x/nx))*cos(2*pi*(y/ny))

            ! second partial derivative w.r.t x- and y-coordinates
            f_xy(i,j) = (-4*pi**2/(real(nx,wp)*real(ny,wp))) &
               * cos(2*pi*(x/ny))*sin(2*pi*(y/ny))

         end do
      end do

   end subroutine

   ! do concurrent version
   subroutine cross_derivative_dc(nx,ny,f,f_xy)
      integer, intent(in), value :: nx, ny
      real(wp), intent(in) :: f(0:nx+1,0:ny+1) ! includes HALO layer
      real(wp), intent(out) :: f_xy(nx,ny)

      integer :: i, j

      do concurrent(i=1:nx,j=1:ny)
         f_xy(i,j) = 0.25_wp*(f(i+1,j+1) - f(i-1,j+1) + f(i-1,j-1) - f(i+1,j-1))
      end do

   end subroutine

   ! OpenACC version
   subroutine cross_derivative_acc(nx,ny,f,f_xy)
      integer, intent(in), value :: nx, ny
      real(wp), intent(in) :: f(0:nx+1,0:ny+1) ! includes HALO layer
      real(wp), intent(out) :: f_xy(nx,ny)

      integer :: i, j

      !$acc parallel loop collapse(2) copyin(f) copyout(f_xy)
      do j = 1, ny
         do i = 1, nx
            f_xy(i,j) = 0.25_wp*(f(i+1,j+1) - f(i-1,j+1) + f(i-1,j-1) - f(i+1,j-1))
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine

   ! OpenMP version
   subroutine cross_derivative_omp(nx,ny,f,f_xy)
      integer, intent(in), value :: nx, ny
      real(wp), intent(in) :: f(0:nx+1,0:ny+1) ! includes HALO layer
      real(wp), intent(out) :: f_xy(nx,ny)

      integer :: i, j

      !$omp target teams distribute parallel do collapse(2) map(to: f) map(from: f_xy)
      do j = 1, ny
         do i = 1, nx
            f_xy(i,j) = 0.25_wp*(f(i+1,j+1) - f(i-1,j+1) + f(i-1,j-1) - f(i+1,j-1))
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine

   ! CUDA Fortran kernel routine
   attributes(global) subroutine cross(nx,ny,f,f_xy)
      integer, intent(in), value :: nx, ny
      real(wp), intent(in) :: f(0:nx+1,0:ny+1) ! includes HALO layer
      real(wp), intent(out) :: f_xy(nx,ny)

      integer :: i, j

      i = (blockIdx%x - 1)*blockDim%x + threadIdx%x
      j = (blockIdx%y - 1)*blockDim%y + threadIdx%y

      if (i <= nx .and. j <= ny) then
         f_xy(i,j) = 0.25_wp*(f(i+1,j+1) - f(i-1,j+1) + f(i-1,j-1) - f(i+1,j-1))
      end if

   end subroutine

   ! CUDA Fortran version
   subroutine cross_derivative_cuf(nx,ny,f,f_xy)
      use cudafor, only: dim3

      integer, intent(in), value :: nx, ny
      real(wp), intent(in), device :: f(0:nx+1,0:ny+1) ! includes HALO layer
      real(wp), intent(out), device :: f_xy(nx,ny)

      type(dim3) :: grid, tBlock
      tBlock = dim3(64,8,1)
      grid = dim3((nx + tBlock%x - 1)/tBlock%x, &
                  (nx + tBlock%y - 1)/tBlock%y, 1)

      call cross<<<grid,tBlock>>>(nx,ny,f,f_xy)

   end subroutine

end module

program xy_der_test

use xy_der_mod
implicit none

integer :: nx, ny, nargs

real(wp), allocatable :: f(:,:), f_xy(:,:), approx_xy(:,:)
real(wp), allocatable, device :: fd(:,:), fd_xy(:,:)
integer :: i, j

nargs = command_argument_count()
if (nargs /= 2) then
   call print_usage
end if

call parse_args(nx,ny)
call print_gpu_info

allocate(f(nx,ny), f_xy(nx,ny))


! Set the field to a known periodic function
call set_known_field(nx,ny,f,f_xy)

! Copy Host to Device
fd(1:nx,1:ny) = f

! Fill HALO layers (SOUTH and NORTH)
do concurrent(i=1:nx)
   fd(i,0)    = fd(i,ny)
   fd(i,ny+1) = fd(i,1)
end do

! Fill HALO layers (EAST and WEST)
do concurrent(j=0:ny+1)
   fd(0,j) = fd(ny,j)
   fd(nx+1,j) = fd(1,j)
end do

call measure(cross_derivative_dc, "Do-Concurrent")
call measure(cross_derivative_acc, "OpenACC-parallel-loop")
call measure(cross_derivative_acc, "OpenMP-target-loop")
call measure(cross_derivative_cuf, "CUDA-Fortran-naive")


   subroutine print_usage
      write(*,'(A)') "Usage: test_xy_der <nx> <ny>"
   end subroutine

   subroutine parse_args(nx,ny)
      integer, intent(out) :: nx, ny
      character(len=64) :: str
      call get_command_argument(1,str)
      read(str,*) nx
      call get_command_argument(2,str)
      read(str,*) ny
   end subroutine

   subroutine print_gpu_info
      use cudafor
      type(cudaDeviceProp) :: prop
      integer :: istat

      istat = cudaGetDeviceProperties(prop,0)

      print '("Device name: ", A)', trim(prop%name)
      print '("  Compute Capability: ",I0,".",I0)', prop%major, prop%minor
      print '("  Memory Clock Rate (KHz): ", I0)', prop%memoryClockRate
      print '("  Memory Bus Width (bits): ", I0)', prop%memoryBusWidth
      print '("  Peak Memory Bandwith (GB/s): ", f9.2)', &
         2.0 * prop%memoryClockRate * (prop%memoryBusWidth / 8) * 1.0e-6

      print '()'
   end subroutine

   ! Measurement helper procedure
   subroutine measure(kernel,name)
      use cudafor
         subroutine kernel(nx,ny,fd,fd_xy)
            import wp
            integer, intent(in), value :: nx, ny
            real(wp), intent(in), device :: fd(0:nx+1,0:ny+1)
            real(wp), intent(out), device :: fd_xy(nx,ny)
         end subroutine
      end interface
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
      integer :: istat
      type(cudaEvent) :: startEvent, stopEvent
      real(kind(1.0e0)) :: time, elapsed

      integer :: niter, k

      istat = cudaEventCreate(startEvent)
      istat = cudaEventCreate(stopEvent)
      niter = 1

      outer: do
         istat = cudaEventRecord(startEvent,0)
         do k = 1, niter
            call kernel(nx,ny,fd,fd_xy)
         end do
         istat = cudaEventRecord(stopEvent,0)
         istat = cudaEventSynchronize(stopEvent)
         istat = cudaEventElapsedTime(time,startEvent,stopEvent)

         ! Aim for at least 0.2 s total runtime
         if (time > 200.0) exit outer
         niter = 2*niter
      end do outer

      istat = cudaEventDestroy(startEvent)
      istat = cudaEventDestroy(stopEvent)

      ! Copy results to host 
      approx_xy = fd_xy

      elapsed = time/niter

      write(*,*) trim(name)
      write(*,*) "-----------------------------------------------------v"
      write(*,*) "Avg. time (ms): ", elapsed
      write(*,*) "Max. absolute error: ", maxval(abs(f_xy - approx_xy))
      write(*,*) "Sum of absolute residuals: ", sum(abs(f_xy - approx_xy))
      write(*,*) "Sum of squared residuals: ", sum((f_xy - approx_xy)**2)
      write(*,*) "Effective Bandwidth (GB/s): ", bw(nx,ny,elapsed/1000.0)

   end subroutine

   ! Effective bandwidth helper function
   pure function bw(nx,ny,time)
      integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
      real(kind(1.0e0)), intent(in) :: time ! Time in seconds
      real(kind(1.0e0)) :: rb, wb, bw
      rb = real(nx+1,wp)*real(ny+1,wp)*8
      wb = real(nx,wp)*real(ny,wp)*8
      bw = ((rb + wb) * 1.0e-9) / time
   end function

end program

I get the following output:

$ nvfortran -O3 -fast -cuda -acc -mp=gpu -stdpar=gpu  -o test_xy_der ../test_xy_der.F90 
$ ./test_xy_der 8000 8000
Device name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
  Compute Capability: 7.5
  Memory Clock Rate (KHz): 7001000
  Memory Bus Width (bits): 192
  Peak Memory Bandwith (GB/s):    336.05

 Avg. time (ms):     11.02239    
 Max. absolute error:    1.2683534149091020E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    3.2898682391358757E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    2.5739284138576398E-019
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     92.91339    
 Avg. time (ms):     11.02019    
 Max. absolute error:    1.2683534149091020E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    3.2898682391358757E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    2.5739284138576398E-019
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     92.93194    
 Avg. time (ms):     11.02028    
 Max. absolute error:    1.2683534149091020E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    3.2898682391358757E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    2.5739284138576398E-019
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     92.93124    
 Avg. time (ms):     3.672191    
 Max. absolute error:    1.2683534149091020E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    3.2898682391358757E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    2.5739284138576398E-019
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     278.8874    

Notably, the CUF version reaches about 80 % of the peak bandwidth (hooray!). But the other approaches reach (only) 30 %, which is also great, given how little effort it took me. Is there anything that can be done with compiler flags or additional OpenACC clauses to reach the CUF speed?

If such differences occur for the simplest of stencils, I’m slightly pessimistic the directive-based approaches will do things right for larger and more complicated stencils.

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A friend just warned me that I might be (accidentally) including the host to device transfer time in the measurement. I thought that since the arrays have the CUF device attribute in the main program, the directive based approached would figure the data was already present in the environment.

After adding an acc data clause I see the same rate with all kernels:

!$acc data present(fd, fd_xy)

call measure(cross_derivative_dc, "Do-Concurrent")
call measure(cross_derivative_acc, "OpenACC-parallel-loop")
call measure(cross_derivative_omp, "OpenMP-target-loop")
call measure(cross_derivative_cuf, "CUDA-Fortran-naive")

!$acc end data

(N.b. in the original post, the acc kernel was accidentally measured twice.)

 Avg. time (ms):     2.068108    
 Max. absolute error:    4.0086019241981268E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    5.8486541691133547E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    1.4462015332100809E-018
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     278.5618    
 Avg. time (ms):     2.069487    
 Max. absolute error:    4.0086019241981268E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    5.8486541691133547E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    1.4462015332100809E-018
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     278.3762    
 Avg. time (ms):     2.069294    
 Max. absolute error:    4.0086019241981268E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    5.8486541691133547E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    1.4462015332100809E-018
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     278.4022    
 Avg. time (ms):     2.068002    
 Max. absolute error:    4.0086019241981268E-013
 Sum of absolute residuals:    5.8486541691133547E-006
 Sum of squared residuals:    1.4462015332100809E-018
 Effective Bandwidth (GB/s):     278.5762    
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