Elite: Dangerous does not start on dual monitor setup if running on wayland

Hello there, this issue took me a while to track down.

Elite: Dangerous does not start using any version of Proton if running on Wayland on a dual monitor setup.

Proton Log:
steam-359320.log (1.0 MB)

NVidia Bug report Log:
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (1.0 MB)

The issue seems to have to do with the following exceptions that occur:

warn:seh:handle_syscall_fault backtrace: --- Exception 0xc0000005 at 0x7f5409d394ed: /usr/lib/pressure-vessel/overrides/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-glcore.so.545.29.06 + 0xf394ed.

Which lead me to this older bug report suggesting to set __GL_THREADDED_OPTIMISATIONS=0 which did not solved the issue.

And also this:

Assertion failed: !status, file ../src-wine/dlls/winevulkan/loader.c, line 664

winevulkan/loader.c from the Proton version I ran:

663: status = UNIX_CALL(vkCreateSwapchainKHR, &params);
664: assert(!status);

Which is what winevulkan does before the game finally crashes.

That lead me to this report claiming that this issue should be solved with libnviida-egl-wayland 1.1.10.
I ran the game with libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.1.1.12

However ultimately it turned out if I unplug or turn off (disableing it using Gnome) my 2nd display the game launches just fine.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run a Wayland Session
  2. Have two displays connected
  3. Launch Elite: Dangerous with any version of Proton.

My specs:

  • GPU: RTX 3080
  • Video driver version: NVIDIA 545.29.6
  • Kernel version: 6.6.3-1-default
  • Proton: experimental-8.0-20231207
  • Wayland compositor: Mutter 45.1 using Gnome 45.2

With driver 550 this seems to be fixed (or by recent Gnome updates, anyhow it works now) Many thanks. :)

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