This has happened to me in both Deadlink and Crime Boss: Rockay City.
Starting games without the flag enabled works fine, if it is enabled games crash from 2nd run onward.
Detailed info here:
opened 04:26PM - 29 Jul 24 UTC
closed 05:03PM - 29 Jul 24 UTC
I will start with conceding that I do not know if PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1 is… necessary or the specifics of what it does, only that it has been recommended to me for any games with DLSS-type features.
### Tested games
- Deadlink (1676130) UE4. The game I have reproduced this with.
- Crime Boss: Rockay City (2933080) UE5. This one is anecdotal as I didn't realize this was the possible cause and it was refunded, but it had the same 2nd+ launch problem.
## System Information
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
- Video driver version: NVIDIA 555.58.02
- Kernel version: 6.10.2-arch1-1
- Proton version: Experimental
## Proton Log
This is the log from a 2nd run where it crashes.
## Symptoms
If PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1 is included as a launch option the first time you run a game it will run fine. If you close the game and start it again it will crash on startup to the UE error reporting tool.
## Reproduction
1. Add PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1 as a launch parameter.
2. Run the game, it starts fine and runs fine.
3. Close the game.
4. Run the game, it crashes on start with an Unreal Engine crash reporter.
5. Remove PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1 as a launch parameter.
6. Run the game, it starts fine and runs fine.
## Workarounds
* Remove PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1 from launch parameters
* The file /SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1676130/pfx/drive_c/ProgramData/NVIDIA/NGX/models/config/versions/1/files/nvngx_mapping.json is created. If this file is made blank & read-only the game also starts fine.
Thanks for the report. This is being tracked in NVIDIA bug 4776234.
Can you explain me what do the PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1
in games ?
When I enable this option, most of my games crash or have some problem like low performance, it is true that in some games they work.
But what does it actually do? What benefits does it have or what is it for? I’ve been trying to read about it but I don’t understand it.