Error when use gst-nvdspreprocess to cut ROIs detected by primary nvinfer

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) GTX 1650
• DeepStream Version 6.0
• TensorRT Version 8.0.1-1+cuda11.3
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only) 470.103.01
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) Unknow bugs
• How to reproduce the issue ?
I run deepstream in docker container, image is deepstream:6.0-devel.
This is my pipeline

This is my preprocess config file:
config_preprocess_3d_custom.txt (2.9 KB)

I added some lines of code in gstnvdspreprocess.cpp to get NvDsObjectMeta created by primary nvinfer.

In function gst_nvdspreprocess_on_frame:
      static GstFlowReturn
gst_nvdspreprocess_on_frame(GstNvDsPreProcess *nvdspreprocess, GstBuffer *inbuf,
                            NvBufSurface *in_surf)
  GstFlowReturn flow_ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
  std::string nvtx_str;
  std::unique_ptr<NvDsPreProcessBatch> batch = nullptr;

  GstNvDsPreProcessMemory *memory = nullptr;
  GstBuffer *conv_gst_buf = nullptr;

  NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta = NULL;
  guint num_groups = 0;
  gdouble scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y;
  gdouble offset_left, offset_top;
  gint idx = 0;

  if (((in_surf->memType == NVBUF_MEM_DEFAULT || in_surf->memType == NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_DEVICE) &&
       ((int)in_surf->gpuId != (int)nvdspreprocess->gpu_id)) ||
      (((int)in_surf->gpuId == (int)nvdspreprocess->gpu_id) && (in_surf->memType == NVBUF_MEM_SYSTEM)))
                      ("Memory Compatibility Error:Input surface gpu-id doesnt match with configured gpu-id for element,"
                       " please allocate input using unified memory, or use same gpu-ids OR,"
                       " if same gpu-ids are used ensure appropriate Cuda memories are used"),
                      ("surface-gpu-id=%d,%s-gpu-id=%d", in_surf->gpuId, GST_ELEMENT_NAME(nvdspreprocess),
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  batch_meta = gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta(inbuf);
  if (batch_meta == nullptr)
                      ("NvDsBatchMeta not found for input buffer."), (NULL));
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  if (batch == nullptr)
    batch.reset(new NvDsPreProcessBatch);
    batch->push_buffer = FALSE;
    batch->inbuf = inbuf;
    batch->inbuf_batch_num = nvdspreprocess->current_batch_num;
    batch->batch_meta = batch_meta;
    batch->scaling_pool_format = nvdspreprocess->scaling_pool_format;

    flow_ret =
        gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer(nvdspreprocess->scaling_pool, &conv_gst_buf,

    if (flow_ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
      return flow_ret;
    memory = gst_nvdspreprocess_buffer_get_memory(conv_gst_buf);
    if (!memory)
      return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
    batch->converted_buf = conv_gst_buf;
    batch->pitch = memory->surf->surfaceList[0].planeParams.pitch[0];

  if (nvdspreprocess->nvdspreprocess_groups[0]->src_ids[0] == -1 &&
      batch_meta->num_frames_in_batch * nvdspreprocess->nvdspreprocess_groups[0]->framemeta_map[0].roi_vector.size() > nvdspreprocess->max_batch_size)
                      ("tensor shape batch-size should be atleast sum total rois\n"), (NULL));
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  num_groups = nvdspreprocess->nvdspreprocess_groups.size();
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Num Groups = %d\n", num_groups);
  std::vector<bool> group_present(num_groups, 0);

  for (guint gcnt = 0; gcnt < num_groups; gcnt++)
    GstNvDsPreProcessGroup *&preprocess_group = nvdspreprocess->nvdspreprocess_groups[gcnt];
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "num filled in batch meta = %d\n", batch_meta->num_frames_in_batch);
    NvDsMetaList *l_frame = NULL;
    for (l_frame = batch_meta->frame_meta_list; l_frame != NULL;
         l_frame = l_frame->next)

      NvDsFrameMeta *frame_meta = NULL;
      frame_meta = (NvDsFrameMeta *)(l_frame->data);

      gint source_id = frame_meta->source_id;  /* source id of incoming buffer */
      gint batch_index = frame_meta->batch_id; /* batch id of incoming buffer */

      GstNvDsPreProcessFrame preprocess_frame;
      std::vector<NvDsRoiMeta> roi_vector;
      NvDsRoiMeta roi_meta;
      NvOSD_RectParams rect_params;

      std::vector<gint> src_ids = preprocess_group->src_ids;

      if (src_ids[0] == -1)
        num_groups = 1;

      if ((std::find(src_ids.begin(), src_ids.end(), source_id) == src_ids.end()) && src_ids[0] != -1)
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Group %d : No Source %d => skipping\n", gcnt, source_id);

      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Group %d : Processsing Source ID = %d \n", gcnt, source_id);

      auto get_preprocess_frame_meta = preprocess_group->framemeta_map.find(source_id);

      if (get_preprocess_frame_meta == preprocess_group->framemeta_map.end() && src_ids[0] != -1)
        g_print("Group %d : Configuration for Source ID = %d not found\n", gcnt, source_id);
        flow_ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
        return flow_ret;
        preprocess_frame = get_preprocess_frame_meta->second;
// Start 
        std::vector<NvDsRoiMeta> detected_roi;
        for (NvDsObjectMetaList *l_user = frame_meta->obj_meta_list; l_user != NULL; l_user = l_user->next)

          NvDsObjectMeta *obj_meta = (NvDsObjectMeta *)l_user->data;
          // Match obj which is tracking?
          if (obj_meta->object_id != UNTRACKED_OBJECT_ID)
          NvDsRoiMeta temp_roi_meta;
          temp_roi_meta.roi.left = MAX(obj_meta->rect_params.left, 0);
 = MAX(obj_meta->, 0);
          temp_roi_meta.roi.width = MAX(obj_meta->rect_params.width, 224);
          temp_roi_meta.roi.height = MAX(obj_meta->rect_params.height, 224);
          // g_print("\nNew roi: %f %f %f %f", temp_roi_meta.roi.left,, temp_roi_meta.roi.width, temp_roi_meta.roi.height);
          // only accept 1 ROI
         check_and_fix_roi_vector(detected_roi, preprocess_frame.roi_vector);

        roi_vector = preprocess_frame.roi_vector;
// End
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Group %d : Source ID %d : Got roi-vecsize = %ld\n",
                         gcnt, source_id, roi_vector.size());
        for (guint n = 0; n < roi_vector.size(); n++)
          roi_meta = roi_vector[n];

          if (preprocess_group->process_on_roi)
            GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Group %d : Source ID %d : Processing on ROIS\n", gcnt, source_id);

            /** Process on ROIs provided from Object Meta */
            rect_params = roi_meta.roi;

            GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "filling ROI left=%f top=%f width=%f height=%f\n",
                             rect_params.left,, rect_params.width, rect_params.height);
            GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Group %d : Source ID %d : Processing on Full Frames\n", gcnt, source_id);

            /** Process on Full Frames */
            rect_params.left = 0;
   = 0;
            rect_params.width = in_surf->surfaceList[batch_index].width;
            rect_params.height = in_surf->surfaceList[batch_index].height;

            roi_meta.roi = rect_params;
            GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "filling FULL FRAME left=%f top=%f width=%f height=%f\n",
                             rect_params.left,, rect_params.width, rect_params.height);

#ifdef DRAW_ROIS
          NvDsDisplayMeta *display_meta = nvds_acquire_display_meta_from_pool(batch_meta);
          display_meta->num_rects = 1;
          display_meta->rect_params[0].left = rect_params.left;
          display_meta->rect_params[0].top =;
          display_meta->rect_params[0].width = rect_params.width;
          display_meta->rect_params[0].height = rect_params.height;
          display_meta->rect_params[0].border_width = 2;
          display_meta->rect_params[0].border_color = {0, 1, 0, 1};

          nvds_add_display_meta_to_frame(frame_meta, display_meta);
          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Draw ROI!");

          idx = batch->units.size();

          if (idx == nvdspreprocess->tensor_params.network_input_shape[0])
            GST_ELEMENT_WARNING(nvdspreprocess, STREAM, FAILED,
                                ("Warning: exceeding preprocess batch-size (=network-input-shape[0]) => skipping sources\n"), (NULL));

          /** Scale the roi part to the network resolution maintaining aspect ratio */
          if (scale_and_fill_data(nvdspreprocess, in_surf->surfaceList + batch_index,
                                  &rect_params, scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y, offset_left, offset_top,
                                  memory->surf, memory->surf->surfaceList + idx,
                                  memory->frame_memory_ptrs[idx]) != GST_FLOW_OK)
            flow_ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
            return flow_ret;

          roi_meta.converted_buffer = (NvBufSurfaceParams *)memory->surf->surfaceList + idx;
          roi_meta.scale_ratio_x = scale_ratio_x;
          roi_meta.scale_ratio_y = scale_ratio_y;
          roi_meta.offset_left = offset_left;
          roi_meta.offset_top = offset_top;
          roi_meta.frame_meta = frame_meta;

          /* Adding a Unit (ROI/Crop/Full Frame) to the current batch. Set the frames members. */
          NvDsPreProcessUnit unit;
          unit.converted_frame_ptr = memory->frame_memory_ptrs[idx];
          unit.obj_meta = nullptr;
          unit.frame_meta = frame_meta;
          unit.frame_num = unit.frame_meta->frame_num;
          unit.batch_index = batch_index;
          unit.input_surf_params = in_surf->surfaceList + batch_index;
          unit.roi_meta = roi_meta;
          unit.roi_meta.classifier_meta_list = NULL;
          unit.roi_meta.roi_user_meta_list = NULL;


          if (preprocess_group->process_on_roi)
                             "Group %d : Source ID %d : ROI : max-batch-size = %d batch-units-size = %ld batch_index = %d idx = %d\n",
                             gcnt, source_id, nvdspreprocess->max_batch_size, batch->units.size(), batch_index, idx);
                             "Group %d : Source ID %d : FULL FRAME : max-batch-size = %d batch-units-size = %ld batch_index = %d idx = %d\n",
                             gcnt, source_id, nvdspreprocess->max_batch_size, batch->units.size(), batch_index, idx);
    /** transform the group according to num filled from batch_meta */
    if (nvdspreprocess->batch_insurf.numFilled < preprocess_group->num_units)
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "Some Sources not received for Group %d\n", gcnt);
    if (nvdspreprocess->batch_insurf.numFilled > 0)
      if (!group_transformation(nvdspreprocess, preprocess_group))
        GST_ELEMENT_ERROR(nvdspreprocess, STREAM, FAILED,
                          ("Group %d : group transformation failed\n", gcnt), (NULL));
        return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
      group_present[gcnt] = 1;
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(nvdspreprocess, "No Sources received for Group %d\n", gcnt);
    nvdspreprocess->batch_insurf.numFilled = 0;
    nvdspreprocess->batch_outsurf.numFilled = 0;

While running, the pipeline stuck when about 10 ROIs were collected

This is my debug file:
debug.txt (13.4 MB)
It show that there is an error when call gst_poll_wait function.
The error only occur when i set new ROIs from detected bounding box. If i set new ROI by constant value in code, the pipeline run successfully.

Please help me to fix this error. Thanks.

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Why you need this kind of change?

Sorry for this delay,

I want to use nvdspreprocess to prepare a sequence and each frame in the sequence is a bounding box given by nvinfer.

Hi, I want to ask you a question: If the stream is dynamicl added the the pipline at runtime, it seems that in this case, we cannot use this nvpreprocess plugin. because the crop rois must be defined in a config file previously. Is it the truth?

When i read nvdspreprocess plugin source code, i found that frame-level crop ROIs is set on runtime by nvdspreprocess meta. So i added some lines of code to get ROIs from nvdsobjectmeta and replace pre-defined ROIs.

Yes, nvdspreprocess is open source. Customer can change for they requirement.

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