I was successfully able to run it on a Tesla system, as a DeepStream plugin.
The README says that this can be run without DeepStream, as an independent app, trt-yolo-app. I was successful in running this as well, on the same setup (with DeepStream installed).
Now, I am looking to run trt-yolo-app, without installing DeepStream, and not having much luck. My setup is as follows:
Ubuntu 16.04, with a Tesla P100 GPU
Software installed: CUDA 10, TensorRT 5, OpenCV 3.4.1, cmake, glib2.0-dev
As per the instructions in the README.md,
Downloaded deepstream-plugins-master from the above gitHub.
Downloaded yolov3.cfg and yolov3.weights into the data/ folder
I don’t really need to build the DeepStream plugin.
However, I did try skipping this step, and directly proceeding to the section on deepstream-yolo-app.
$ cd sources/apps/deepstream-yolo
$ make && sudo make install
$ cd …/…/…/
$ deepstream-yolo-app /path/to/sample_video.h264
When invoking make, I get the error:
Makefile:55: *** DEEPSTREAM_INSTALL_DIR variable is not set in Makefile.config. Stop.
I haven’t set the DEEPSTREAM_INSTALL_DIR variable, because DeepStream isn’t installed.
Please advise.
The deepstream-yolo-app is an app built on top the deepstream SDK and uses multiple DS plugins. You cannot use it without installing Deepstream and the yolo plugin. I think you should be looking at trt-yolo-app which works independently of deepstream.
Thanks, that’s a good point, which I ought to have realized right in the beginning.
In doing so, I now encounter the following error (when running make in the trt-yolo folder). Perhaps I ought to upgrade one of the components. Any suggestions which one?