Hi All,
where can i find example of solving Ax=b on card for sparse matrix A using QR or LU decomposition? I implemnted it myself but got segfault…
the new cusolver library in CUDA 7.0 provides a sparse API that includes functions that may be useful:
although it’s not exactly what you describe, there is a batched sparse solver example code in the doc:
I’ve implemented example but it segfault on all matrices from florida collection exсept small matrix LF10_M.mtx. Other (hd4800b.mtx, ex33.mtx) return segfault on cusolverSpXcsrqrAnalysisBatched. Could you help me with this issue? Example below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cusolverSp.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define SPBLAS_DATA double
SPBLAS_DATA zero = 0.0;
SPBLAS_DATA one = 1.0;
SPBLAS_DATA quarter1 = 1.25;
#include “service.h”
int read_matrix2(const char * filename, matrix *a, int k)
FILE *fp;
int i;
printf("starting reading data from %s file ... \n", filename); fflush(0);
int tmp1 = 0;
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
char tmp;
while (1){
if ((tmp = getc(fp)) == '%')
while (tmp != '\n')
fscanf(fp, "%c", &tmp);
else { goto read; }
fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_CUR);
fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d \n", &(a->m), &(a->n), &(a->nnz));
a->n = a->m;
int* ia = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* (a->m + 1));
int* ja = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* (a->nnz));
double* val = (SPBLAS_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SPBLAS_DATA)* (a->nnz));
int nnzA = a->nnz;
int m = a->m;
a->k = k;
int* ax = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* (a->nnz));
int* ay = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* (a->nnz));
double* av = (SPBLAS_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SPBLAS_DATA)* (a->nnz));
for (i = 0; i<nnzA; i++)
fscanf(fp, "%d %d %lf\n", &ax[i], &ay[i], &av[i]);
a->y = (SPBLAS_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SPBLAS_DATA)* a->m * a->k);
a->x = (SPBLAS_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SPBLAS_DATA)* a->n * a->k);
int counter = 0; // number of non-zero elements in upper triangle part of the matrix
int j;
for (i = 0; i < m+1; i++)
ia[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nnzA; i++)
ia[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < m+1; i++)
ia[i] += ia[i - 1];
for (i = 0; i < nnzA; i++)
int j = ax[i];
ja[ia[j - 1] - 1] = ay[i];
val[ia[j - 1] - 1] = av[i];
ia[j - 1]++;
int temp1 = ia[0];
int temp2 = ia[0];
ia[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i<m; i++)
temp2 = ia[i];
ia[i] = temp1;
temp1 = temp2;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
int startRow = ia[i];
int endRow = ia[i + 1] - 1;
int ib1 = 1;
int sorted = 0;
int elem;
while (!sorted)
sorted = 1;
for (elem = startRow - ib1; elem < endRow - ib1 - 1; elem++)
const int col1 = ja[elem];
const int col2 = ja[elem + 1];
if (col1 > col2)
// exchange elements
sorted = 0; // next iteration required
ja[elem] = col2;
ja[elem + 1] = col1;
double tmp;
tmp= val[elem];
val[elem] = val[elem + 1];
val[elem + 1] = tmp;
a->ia = ia;
a->ja = ja;
a->val = val;
for (i = 0; i < a->m * a->k; i++)
a->y[i] = zero;
for (i = 0; i < a->n * a->k; i++)
a->x[i] = one;
return 0;
cusolverStatus_t test_solver(cusolverSpHandle_t *handle, cusparseMatDescr_t *descr, matrix *a, matrix *ca, FILE fp, const char * filename)
const int ninner = 5;
const int nouter = 1;
const int max_ext = 1;
int st, ext, i, j;
double res[noutermax_ext];
int counter = 0;
cudaError_t stat;
double cuone = 1.0;
cusolverStatus_t cusolver_status = CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS;
int ind = a->ia[0];
for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++)
a->y[i] = 0.;
a->x[i] = 1.;
for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++)
for (j = a->ia[i]-ind; j < a->ia[i + 1] - ind; j++)
a->y[i] += (a->val[j])*(a->x[j]);
for (ext = 0; ext < max_ext; ++ext)
for (st = 0; st < nouter; st++)
double tol = 1.e-10;
int reorder = 0, batchSize = 1;
int singularity;
size_t size_internal, workspaceInBytes;
void *pBuffer = NULL;
cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(ca->y, a->y, sizeof(double)*(a->n), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
assert(cudaStat1 == cudaSuccess);
for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++)
a->y[i] = 0.;
a->x[i] = 0.;
csrqrInfo_t info = NULL;
cusolver_status = cusolverSpXcsrqrAnalysisBatched(*handle, a->m, a->m, a->nnz, *descr, ca->ia, ca->ja, info);
assert(cusolver_status == CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS);
cusolver_status = cusolverSpDcsrqrBufferInfoBatched(*handle, a->m, a->m, a->nnz, *descr, ca->val, ca->ia, ca->ja, batchSize, info, &size_internal, &workspaceInBytes);
assert(cusolver_status == CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS);
cudaError_t cudaStat = cudaMalloc(&pBuffer, workspaceInBytes);
assert(cudaStat == cudaSuccess);
double start = read_timer();
for (i = 0; i < ninner; i++)
cusolver_status = cusolverSpDcsrqrsvBatched(*handle, a->m, a->m, a->nnz, *descr, ca->val, ca->ia, ca->ja, ca->y, ca->x, batchSize, info, pBuffer);
assert(cusolver_status == CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS);
double finish = read_timer();
double seconds = finish - start;
cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(a->x, ca->x, sizeof(double)*(a->m)*batchSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
assert(cudaStat1 == cudaSuccess);
double gflops = 1.;
printf("Perf: %.3lf Gflop/sec Cycles:%7.5f\n", gflops, seconds/ninner); fflush(0);
fprintf(fp, "%s, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", filename, a->n, a->m, a->k, a->nnz);
return cusolver_status;
int main(int argc, char*argv)
char filename[1024], outfile[1024];
FILE *fp;
matrix a, ca;
cusolverSpHandle_t cusolverH = NULL;
csrqrInfo_t info = NULL;
cusparseMatDescr_t descrA = NULL;
cusparseStatus_t cusparse_status = CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
cusolverStatus_t cusolver_status = CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS;
cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
cudaError_t cudaStat2 = cudaSuccess;
cudaError_t cudaStat3 = cudaSuccess;
cudaError_t cudaStat4 = cudaSuccess;
cudaError_t cudaStat5 = cudaSuccess;
int *d_csrRowPtrA = NULL;
int *d_csrColIndA = NULL;
double *d_csrValA = NULL;
double *d_b = NULL; // batchSize * m
double *d_x = NULL; // batchSize * m
size_t size_qr = 0;
size_t size_internal = 0;
void *buffer_qr = NULL;
// Set up the library handle and data
int m, nnzA;
if (argc < 3)
printf("Usage: ./executable matrix.in matrix.out\n");
return -1;
sprintf(filename, "%s", argv[1]);
sprintf(outfile, "%s", argv[2]);
if (read_matrix2(filename, &a, 1) != 0)
/* if (test_matrix(&a, 1) != 0)
exit(1); */
fp = fopen(outfile, "a");
if (fp == NULL)
printf("WARNING! Can't open output file '\%' for writing \n", outfile);
fprintf(fp, "matrix name, nrow, ncol, nnz, GFlop/s\n");
ca.n = a.n;
ca.m = a.n;
ca.k = a.k;
ca.nnz = a.nnz;
if (alloc_cuda_matrix(&ca) != 0)
nnzA = a.nnz;
m = a.n;
cusolver_status = cusolverSpCreate(&cusolverH);
assert(cusolver_status == CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS);
cusparse_status = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
assert(cusparse_status == CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS);
cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descrA, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE); // base-1
cusolver_status = cusolverSpCreateCsrqrInfo(&info);
assert(cusolver_status == CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS);
if (copy2card(&a, &ca) != 0)
test_solver(&cusolverH, &descrA, &a, &ca, fp, filename);
return 0;