Failed to build TensorRT engine

Hello everyone,

So I was using the Audio2Face application, but my system is not able to create the TensorRTEngine. The face model is loading perfectly and everything is fine but while playing the audio track no movement is there in the face model.

RTX 3050
Audio2Face 2022.2.0

I attempted reinstalling it several times, but nothing worked.

Hi @akramkhan Can you please send your latest Audio2Face log file which can be found here: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\Kit\Audio2Face

Thanks for the reply @Ehsan.HM .
I am attaching the log file here and waiting for your response.
kit_20230321_012109.log (487.1 KB)

I appreciate you responding, @Ehsan.HM.
I’ve attached the log file and am awaiting your answer. If you could look into the situation and kindly assist me as soon as possible, that would be very helpful.
kit_20230321_012109.log (487.1 KB)

Hi @akramkhan your log indicates Audio2Face can not find your graphics card. Can you make sure you have installed the graphics driver version 527.37 and try again?

Yes, I did try installing the mentioned driver version as you suggested, but it is still not functioning @Ehsan.HM , the same issue persists.

The last log file indicates no graphics driver was found. Can you reinstall the driver 527.37 and try again?