Failed to Load TensorRT Engine

When I start it, I get an error message [Failed to Load TensorRT Engine] and it doesn’t work properly.
According to winver, the latest version of Windows for non-English [21H2 19044.1466].
Nvidia driver version is the latest [511.09].

PC specs are
Intel Core i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
Memory 64.0 GB
Z390-S01 (Realtek Audio)
GeForce RTX 3080 Ti

I will send you the log when I run audio2face.kit.bat.
I’ll send other logs as well.

I am using audio2face version 2021.3.2, but the situation was the same with 2021.3.1.
Thank you very much for your help.

audio2face.kit.bat.txt (22.0 KB)
launcher.log (137.2 KB)

Hello @user133974! Welcome to the Community! Thanks for attaching your logs and computer specs. I am checking in with the Audio2Face team. I will post back when I have more information!

Hi @user133974 , thanks for trying Audio2Face.
Could you please:

  • Open a command line terminal (type “cmd” in Windows Start menu)

  • Run these three commands (one by one):

    E:\omniverse\pkg\audio2face-2021.3.2\kit\python\python -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(sys.path))"

    echo %PYTHONPATH%

    echo %PYTHONHOME%

  • Make a screenshot of the output and send it to us

Hi, Thank you for your prompt reply. Here is the screenshot.
Thank you in advance.

Hi @user133974, Thank you for the info. We’ve localized the issue and will soon release a fix. It will be available in 2021.3.3 release

Thanks for the reply. I’ll wait for the next update.

@user133974 , the new release with this fix is released. Just want to let you know

I immediately installed the new version. And I can finally confirm that it works well! Thank you so much!

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