Faster RCNN on TLT 3.0 not learning the same as TLT 2.0

I am working on a custom Faster RCNN model on TLT 3.0. I previously ran this model with identical data and identical network configurations on TLT 2.0, getting an mAP of %96.5. Now the network either learns nothing and stabilizes at a loss of ~1.1, where the prior experiment stabilized at .04, or reaches an nan loss and fails. Here is the experiment spec for the TLT 3.0 experiment

random_seed: 42
    enc_key: 'cPPm_vUm4qGaRpd6kgQX5Dp5S-RKRgh9vp1Y_rQYX2U'
    verbose: True
    model_config {
    input_image_config {
    image_type: RGB
    image_channel_order: 'bgr'
    size_height_width {
    height: 540
    width: 960
        image_channel_mean {
            key: 'b'
            value: 114.54486766972353
        image_channel_mean {
            key: 'g'
            value: 118.13145483368518
        image_channel_mean {
            key: 'r'
            value: 117.67608453228597
    image_scaling_factor: 1
    max_objects_num_per_image: 10
    arch: "resnet:34"
    anchor_box_config {
    scale: 20
    scale: 40
    scale: 90
    ratio: 1.0
    ratio: 0.5
    ratio: 2.0
    freeze_bn: False
    roi_mini_batch: 256
    rpn_stride: 16
    use_bias: True
    roi_pooling_config {
    pool_size: 7
    pool_size_2x: False
    all_projections: True
    dataset_config {
      data_sources: {
        tfrecords_path: "/workspace/TLT/T_23/tfrecords/tfrecord*"
        image_directory_path: "/workspace/DAB/D_7"
    image_extension: 'jpg'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_1'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_2'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_3'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_4'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_5'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_6'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_7'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'p_8'
                    value: 'p'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_1'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_2'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_3'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_4'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_5'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_6'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_7'
                    value: 'r'
                target_class_mapping {
                    key: 'r_8'
                    value: 'r'
    validation_fold: 0
    augmentation_config {
    preprocessing {
    output_image_width: 960
    output_image_height: 540
    output_image_channel: 3
    min_bbox_width: 1.0
    min_bbox_height: 1.0
    enable_auto_resize: True
    spatial_augmentation {
    hflip_probability: 0.1
    vflip_probability: 0.1
    zoom_min: 0.9
    zoom_max: 1.1
    translate_max_x: 96
    translate_max_y: 54
    color_augmentation {
    hue_rotation_max: 0
    saturation_shift_max: 0.0
    contrast_scale_max: 0
    contrast_center: 0.5
    training_config {
    checkpoint_interval: 1
    output_model: "/workspace/TLT/T_23/weights/faster_rcnn_resnet_34.tlt"
    enable_augmentation: True
    enable_qat: False
    batch_size_per_gpu: 16
    num_epochs: 20
    rpn_min_overlap: 0.3
    rpn_max_overlap: 0.7
    classifier_min_overlap: 0.0
    classifier_max_overlap: 0.5
    gt_as_roi: False
    std_scaling: 1.0
    classifier_regr_std {
    key: 'x'
    value: 10
    classifier_regr_std {
    key: 'y'
    value: 10
    classifier_regr_std {
    key: 'w'
    value: 5
    classifier_regr_std {
    key: 'h'
    value: 5
    rpn_mini_batch: 256
    rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 12000
    rpn_nms_max_boxes: 2000
    rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
    regularizer {
        type: L2
        weight: 0.0001
    optimizer {
        adam {
        lr: 0.00001
        beta_1: 0.9
        beta_2: 0.999
        decay: 0.0
    learning_rate {
        soft_start {
        start_lr: 0.0001
        base_lr: 0.0001
        soft_start: 0.0001
        annealing_points: [0.05, 0.1, 0.15]
        annealing_divider: 1.5
    lambda_rpn_regr: 1.0
    lambda_rpn_class: 1.0
    lambda_cls_regr: 1.0
    lambda_cls_class: 1.0
    inference_config {
    images_dir: '/workspace/DAB/D_7/test/images'
    model: 'weights/fasterrcnn_resnet34_epoch_001.tlt'
    batch_size: 2
    detection_image_output_dir: '/workspace/TLT/T_23/infer/images'
    labels_dump_dir: '/workspace/TLT/T_23/infer/labels'
    rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
    rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
    rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
    object_confidence_thres: 0.0001
    bbox_visualize_threshold: 0.6
    classifier_nms_max_boxes: 100
    classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
    evaluation_config {
    model: 'weights/fasterrcnn_resnet34_epoch_001.tlt'
    batch_size: 16
    validation_period_during_training: 1
    rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
    rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
    rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
    classifier_nms_max_boxes: 100
    classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
    object_confidence_thres: 0.0001
    use_voc07_11point_metric: False
    gt_matching_iou_threshold: 0.5

And the corresponding TLT 2.0 spec

random_seed: 42
enc_key: "tlt"
verbose: True
network_config {
        input_image_config {
                image_type: RGB
                image_channel_order: "bgr"
                size_height_width {
                        height: 540
                        width: 960
                image_channel_mean {
                        key: 'b'
                        value: 114.54486766972353
                image_channel_mean {
                        key: 'g'
                        value: 118.13145483368518
                image_channel_mean {
                        key: 'r'
                        value: 117.67608453228597
                image_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_objects_num_per_image: 10
        feature_extractor: "resnet:34"
        anchor_box_config {
                scale: 20
                scale: 40
                scale: 90
                ratio: 1
                ratio: 0.5
                ratio: 2
        freeze_bn: False
        roi_mini_batch: 256
        rpn_stride: 16
        conv_bn_share_bias: True
        roi_pooling_config: {
                pool_size: 7
                pool_size_2x: False
        all_projections: True
        use_pooling: False
training_config {
        kitti_data_config {
                data_sources: {
                        tfrecords_path: "/ze/data/Experiments/TLT/T_113/tfrecords/tfrecords*"
                        image_directory_path: "/ze/data/Experiments/DAB/D_30"
                image_extension: 'jpg'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_2'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_8'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_8'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_4'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_3'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_2'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_7'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_3'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_6'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_6'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_7'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_4'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_1'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'p_5'
                        value: 'P'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_1'
                        value: 'R'
                target_class_mapping {
                        key: 'r_5'
                        value: 'R'
                validation_fold: 0
        data_augmentation {
                preprocessing {
                        output_image_width: 960
                        output_image_height: 540
                        output_image_channel: 3
                        min_bbox_width: 0.0
                        min_bbox_height: 0.0
                spatial_augmentation {
                        hflip_probability: 0.1
                        vflip_probability: 0.1
                        zoom_min: 0.9
                        zoom_max: 1.1
                        translate_max_x: 96
                        translate_max_y: 54
                        rotate_rad_max: 0.261799
                color_augmentation {
                        hue_rotation_max: 0.0
                        saturation_shift_max: 0.0
                        contrast_scale_max: 0.0
                        contrast_center: 0.0
        enable_augmentation: True
        batch_size_per_gpu: 2
        num_epochs: 20
        pretrained_weights: "/ze/data/pretrained_models/resnet_34.hdf5"
        output_model: "/ze/data/Experiments/TLT/T_113/models/model.tlt"
        rpn_min_overlap: 0.3
        rpn_max_overlap: 0.7
        classifier_min_overlap: 0
        classifier_max_overlap: 0.5
      gt_as_roi: False
        std_scaling: 1
        classifier_regr_std {
                key: 'x'
                value: 10
        classifier_regr_std {
                key: 'y'
                value: 10
        classifier_regr_std {
                key: 'w'
                value: 5
        classifier_regr_std {
                key: 'h'
                value: 5
        rpn_mini_batch: 256
        rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 3000
        rpn_nms_max_boxes: 500
        rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.6
        reg_config {
                type: L2
                weight: 0.0001
        optimizer {
                adam {
                        lr: 0.0001
                        beta_1: 0.9
                        beta_2: 0.999
                        decay: 0.0
         lr_scheduler {
                soft_start {
                        base_lr: 0.0001
                        start_lr: 0.0001
                        soft_start: 0.0001
                        annealing_points: 0.05
                        annealing_points: 0.1
                        annealing_points: 0.15
                        annealing_points: 0.2
        lambda_rpn_regr: 1.0
        lambda_rpn_class: 1.0
        lambda_cls_regr: 1.0
        lambda_cls_class: 1.0
        inference_config {
                images_dir: '/ze/data/Experiments/DAB/D_30/test/images'
                model: '/ze/data/Experiments/TLT/T_113/models/model.epoch17.tlt'
                detection_image_output_dir: '/ze/data/Experiments/DAB/D_30/infer/images'
                labels_dump_dir: '/ze/data/Experiments/DAB/D_30/infer/labels'
                rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
                rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
                rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
                bbox_visualize_threshold: 0.6
                classifier_nms_max_boxes: 300
                classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
        evaluation_config {
                model: '/ze/data/Experiments/TLT/T_113/models/model.epoch17.tlt'
                labels_dump_dir: '/ze/data/Experiments/TLT/T_113/eval/labels'
                rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 3000
                rpn_nms_max_boxes: 500
                rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.6
                classifier_nms_max_boxes: 300
                classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
                object_confidence_thres: 0.0001
                use_voc07_11point_metric: False

Update: This only seems to happen when AMP is enabled

So, do you mean

  • when AMP is enabled, the network either learns nothing and stabilizes at a loss of ~1.1 ?
  • when AMP is disabled, the network can work well ?

Could you share the full log when AMP is enabled?

I believe my issue was not having the ‘pretrained_weights’ configuration set. However, when I do set it to the hdf5 files from NGC I get this error

ValueError: Layer #1 (named "conv1") expects 2 weight(s), but the saved weights have 1 element(s).

Please make sure you download the correct pretrained model according to NVIDIA TAO Documentation when you run TLT 3.0.

It is the correct model I believe, resnet 18 and 34 gotten through NGC CLI using:

ngc registry model download-version nvidia/tlt_pretrained_object_detection:resnet18

These pretrained model files were successfully used for Yolov3/4 and SSD on TLT 3.0

Please double check your training spec file. If possible, please download the spec files from

wget --content-disposition -O
unzip -u -d ./tlt_cv_samples_v1.1.0 && rm -rf && cd ./tlt_cv_samples_v1.1.0

Confirmed the error that I was receiving was due to having freeze_bn set to false. Repeating the experiment with AMP to confirm that learning is correct

1 Like

Thanks for the info. Great job!

Still seeing poor performance when using AMP. After the first epoch this are my metrics without AMP:

Class               AP                  precision           recall              RPN_recall          
P                   0.7289              0.0211              0.8630              0.9595              
R                   0.8701              0.0361              0.9317              0.9656              

And the identical experiment with AMP:

Class               AP                  precision           recall              RPN_recall          
P                   0.0000              0.0000              0.0000              0.9062              
R                   0.0000              0.0000              0.0000              0.9299              

Though the RPN Recall is higher, all other metrics are at 0. Also even for the experiment without AMP with a high AP the precision scores are still incredibly low. Why is this?

For the training without AMP, please focus on mAP only.
For the training with AMP, which dgpu are you using?

I am using an RTX 3090

For the training with AMP, can you reproduce mAP 0 when train the public KITTI dataset?

I was able to successfully run the KITTI example with AMP enabled and working propery. However, it still fails when using custom data. I am going to match up the KITTI config and the custom data config to attempt to find an experiment configuration error that may be causing this issue

Thanks for the info.