Ffmpeg build on windows -- ERROR: cuvid requested, but not all dependencies are satisfied: ffnvcodec


Please guide me how to build ffmpeg on windows.

My objective is use scale_npp filter. I can use nvenc_h264 and nvenc_hevc on basic ffmpeg build,but in basic ffmpeg build scale_npp support is not.

I followed NVIDIA reference document. I used cuda 10.0 version for windows 10. and 4.2.1 ffmpeg version. visual studio 14.0 .

If I run this configure:
./configure --enable-nonfree --enable-shared --enable-cuda-nvcc --enable-libnpp --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags=-I/c:/ffmpeg-4.2/nv_sdk --extra-ldflags=-libpath:c:/ffmpeg-4.2/nv_sdk --disable-static --prefix=/c/ffmpeg-4.2/DLLS

It works fine. but when I Add

./configure --enable-cuda --enable-cuvid --enable-nvenc --enable-nonfree --enable-libnpp --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags=-I/c:/ffmpeg-4.2/nv_sdk --extra-ldflags=-libpath:c:/ffmpeg-4.2/nv_sdk --disable-static --prefix=/c/ffmpeg-4.2/DLLS

I faced ERROR: cuvid requested, but not all dependencies are satisfied: ffnvcodec.

Lots of document says problem is due to pkg-config path but they not explain properly.

I set path before ./configure like,

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=“/usr/lib/pkgconfig” ./configure

but no luck.

My full PKG_CONFIG_PATH is C:\DEV\msys64\usr\lib\pkgconfig, in which my ffnvcodec.pc file is available.

Please help.

@dhrumilwdv I am also facing the same error, were you able to resolve it ?


@dhrumilwdv … How? I also tried with pkg-config, but it returns the same error.

I am also having the same problem. Was the issue with PKG_CONFIG_PATH?

This is how. GitHub - BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds

Just fork and activate Actions in Action menu.