Flash image file problem

You might be interested in some kernel configuration and build information. FYI, there are some minor differences between building on the Jetson itself (native) and cross compile. The native compile documentation is still correct, but you’d add some cross compile setup to this if cross compiling.

The official documents have cross compile information. Here is some extra information you might find of interest, and you can always ask more questions:

FYI, the Image is a file which can be installed to “/boot” or via flash to a partition. It depends on the extlinux.conf setup. Anything in the “/lib/modules” will be “modules”, which are part of the kernel, but they are dynamically loadable. Check any description in the above URLs regarding:

  • uname -r
  • /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel

You’ll find a theme of most of the kernel compile instructions emphasize using a clean source tree, and then using options to place intermediate output elsewhere. There is an extension to that intermediate output, and that is to install modules to an empty subdirectory (versus directly installing). When cross compiling you must install to that empty subdirectory; when natively compiling it is still a good idea.