Hi, Nvidia,
I try to decode the jpeg data with fd and convert to cvMat BGA, but the final cvMat could not save and display with
cv::imwrite and cv::imshow, i dont know the root cause, pls help!
the code as below:
void decode_image_nvidia_from_fd(NvJPEGDecoder *jpeg_decoder,unsigned char *in_buf, unsigned long in_buf_size, cv::Mat &img)
int fd = 0;
uint32_t width, height, pixfmt;
// Decode image
int ret = jpeg_decoder->decodeToFd(fd, in_buf, in_buf_size, pixfmt, width, height);//output is
//fd,pixfmt,width,height and pixfmt is YUV422M
if (ret < 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "decode to Fd fail!";
LOG(INFO) << "fd = " << fd << ",pixfmt = " << pixfmt;
ret = decode_image_with_fd(fd,height,width,img);
if (ret < 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not decode image with fd!";
static int
decode_image_with_fd(const int input_fd, uint32_t const height,uint32_t const width, cv::Mat &img)
int ret = 0;
NvBufferCreateParams output_params;
NvBufferTransformParams transform_params;
output_params.width = width;
output_params.height = height;
output_params.layout = NvBufferLayout_Pitch;
output_params.payloadType = NvBufferPayload_SurfArray;
output_params.nvbuf_tag = NvBufferTag_NONE;
output_params.colorFormat = NvBufferColorFormat_ABGR32;
// output_params.memsize = 4 * width * height;
int output_fd = 0;
//ret = NvBufferCreateEx(&output_fd, &output_params);
// typedef struct _NvBufferChromaSubSamplingParams
// {
// uint8_t chromaLocHoriz;
// uint8_t chromaLocVert;
// }NvBufferChromaSubsamplingParams;
NvBufferChromaSubsamplingParams SubsamplingParams;
SubsamplingParams.chromaLocHoriz = 0;
SubsamplingParams.chromaLocVert = 0;
ret = NvBufferCreateWithChromaLoc(&output_fd, &output_params,&SubsamplingParams);
if (ret)
LOG(ERROR) << "Error in creating the output buffer!";
memset(&transform_params, 0, sizeof(transform_params));
transform_params.transform_flag = NVBUFFER_TRANSFORM_FILTER ;
transform_params.transform_flip = NvBufferTransform_None;
transform_params.transform_filter = NvBufferTransform_Filter_Smart;
transform_params.src_rect.top = 0;
transform_params.src_rect.left = 0;
transform_params.src_rect.width = width;
transform_params.src_rect.height = height;
transform_params.dst_rect.top = 0;
transform_params.dst_rect.left = 0;
transform_params.dst_rect.width = width;
transform_params.dst_rect.height = height;
ret = NvBufferTransform(input_fd, output_fd, &transform_params);
if (ret)
LOG(ERROR) << "Error in transforming NvBuffer!";
cv::Mat bgraMat(height, width, CV_8UC4);
if (NvBuffer2Raw(output_fd, 0, width, height, bgraMat.data))
LOG(ERROR) << "NvBuffer2Raw failed!";
img.create(height, width, CV_8UC3);
// cv::imshow("imag",img);
// cv::waitKey(1);
return 0;