I am currently trying to do jpeg decoding using the Hardware decoder on Xavier NX, The decoding was working in Jetpack5.0, but when I switched to the newer Jetpack version of 5.0.2, the same jpeg decoding was not working and gave the error mentioned in the title & below
nvbuf_utils: Can not get HW buffer from FD… Exiting…
I found that am getting this error while getting params from the Hardware buffer fd in the below code
NvJPEGDecoder *jpegdec = NvJPEGDecoder::createJPEGDecoder(“jpegdec”);
ret = jpegdec->decodeToFd(fd, buffer, file_size, pixfmt, width, height);
NvBufferParams input_params = {0};
ret = NvBufferGetParams(fd, &input_params);
In the above code, at last line I am getting the error, can you please help me why I am getting this error after switching to newer version of jetpack & not in old version as mentioned
We have switched to NvBufSurface APIs on Jetpack 5. Please refer to
Jetson Linux 35.1 | NVIDIA Developer
nvbuf_utils to NvUtils Migration Guide
October 25, 2022, 11:01am
Do You have any examples related to decoding a jpeg file using this changed API?
October 25, 2022, 11:32am
I have tried this sample code, but I am getting segmentation fault,
ret = jpegdec->decodeToFd(fd, jstream, size, pixfmt, width, height);
NvBufSurf::NvCommonAllocateParams params;
/* Create PitchLinear output buffer for transform. */
params.width = width;
params.height = height;
params.layout = NVBUF_LAYOUT_PITCH;
params.colorFormat = NvBufferColorFormat_YUV422;
params.memtag = NvBufSurfaceTag_VIDEO_CONVERT;
ret = NvBufSurf::NvAllocate(¶ms, 1, &dst_dma_fd);
/* Clip & Stitch can be done by adjusting rectangle. */
NvBufSurf::NvCommonTransformParams transform_params;
transform_params.src_top = 0;
transform_params.src_left = 0;
transform_params.src_width = width;
transform_params.src_height = height;
transform_params.dst_top = 0;
transform_params.dst_left = 0;
transform_params.dst_width = width;
transform_params.dst_height = height;
transform_params.flag = NVBUFSURF_TRANSFORM_FILTER;
transform_params.flip = NvBufSurfTransform_None;
transform_params.filter = NvBufSurfTransformInter_Nearest;
ret = NvBufSurf::NvTransform(&transform_params, fd, dst_dma_fd);
NvBufSurface *pSurf = NULL;
ret = NvBufSurfaceFromFd(dst_dma_fd,(void**)(&pSurf));
ret = NvBufSurfaceMapEglImage(pSurf, 0);
ret = NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,0,width,height,YUV);
ret = NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,1,width/2,height,YUV+(height * width));
ret = NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,2,width/2,height,YUV+(height * width)+(height * int(width / 2)));
in the NvBufSurface2Raw function, I am getting the segmentation fault, I have allocated memory for YUV already.
You may refer to
There is code about MJPEG decoding and then convert to YUV420. Please take a look.
The code I have posted is mostly took from 06_jpeg_decode and 12_camera_v4l2_cuda only
For saving frame data to a file, please refer to dump_dmabuf() in
October 26, 2022, 6:04am
Yes, I was saving the decoder output using dump_dmabuf(), but Now I want to copy the DMA buffer fd to some other CPU buffer, in previous versions I was copying using NvBuffer2Raw , but now according to the migration guide in jetpack 5.0.2 you provided I need to use NvBufSurface2Raw , this function is giving me segmentation fault when I am copying, can you please provide some example for copying the DMA buffer fd to CPU buffer?
October 27, 2022, 3:27am
Please refer to the patch to 12_camera_v4l2_cuda:
@@ -644,6 +644,24 @@ start_capture(context_t * ctx)
/* Convert the decoded buffer to YUV420P */
if (NvBufSurf::NvTransform(&transform_params, fd, ctx->render_dmabuf_fd))
ERROR_RETURN("Failed to convert the buffer");
+if (ctx->frame == 123)
+ NvBufSurface *pSurf = NULL;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ int size, file;
+ NvBufSurfaceFromFd(ctx->render_dmabuf_fd, (void**)(&pSurf));
+ size = width*height*3/2;
+ ptr = (unsigned char *)malloc(size);
+ NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,0,width,height,ptr);
+ NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,1,(width>>1),(height>>1), ptr + (height * width));
+ NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,2,(width>>1),(height>>1), ptr + (height*width) + ((height *width)>>2) );
+ file = open("/tmp/dump.yuv", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH);
+ write(file, ptr, size);
+ close(file);
+ free(ptr);
} else {
NvBufSurface *pSurf = NULL;
if (-1 == NvBufSurfaceFromFd(ctx->g_buff[v4l2_buf.index].dmabuff_fd,
October 27, 2022, 4:06am
Okay, thanks, will try this
October 27, 2022, 5:00am
I have tried the patch you have given, but I am not getting proper YUV data when visualizing YUV in rawpixels.net it is showing a green image. Below is the code I followed
uint32_t width, height, pixfmt;
int fd = -1;
int dst_dma_fd = -1;
int ret;
ret = jpegdec->decodeToFd(fd, jstream, size, pixfmt, width, height);
int yuv_size = int(height*width*3/2);
unsigned char *YUV = new unsigned char[yuv_size]();
NvBufSurf::NvCommonAllocateParams params = {0};
/* Create PitchLinear output buffer for transform. */
params.width = width;
params.height = height;
params.layout = NVBUF_LAYOUT_PITCH;
params.colorFormat = NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_YUV420;
params.memtag = NvBufSurfaceTag_NONE;
ret = NvBufSurf::NvAllocate(¶ms, 1, &dst_dma_fd);
/* Clip & Stitch can be done by adjusting rectangle. */
NvBufSurf::NvCommonTransformParams transform_params;
transform_params.src_top = 0;
transform_params.src_left = 0;
transform_params.src_width = width;
transform_params.src_height = height;
transform_params.dst_top = 0;
transform_params.dst_left = 0;
transform_params.dst_width = width;
transform_params.dst_height = height;
transform_params.flag = NVBUFSURF_TRANSFORM_FILTER;
transform_params.flip = NvBufSurfTransform_None;
transform_params.filter = NvBufSurfTransformInter_Nearest;
ret = NvBufSurf::NvTransform(&transform_params, fd, dst_dma_fd);
NvBufSurface *pSurf = NULL;
ret = NvBufSurfaceFromFd(dst_dma_fd,(void**)(&pSurf));
NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,1,(width>>1),(height>>1), YUV + (height * width));
NvBufSurface2Raw(pSurf,0,2,(width>>1),(height>>1), YUV + (height*width) + ((height *width)>>2) );
int file = open("./dump.yuv", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH);
write(file, YUV,yuv_size);
delete YUV;
Can you please look at the cod & what am doing wrong?
October 27, 2022, 5:24am
You may try 7yuv http://datahammer.de/
We can see correct result with it.
October 27, 2022, 5:38am
The code is correct, right?
October 27, 2022, 5:49am
even in the tool provided by you also gave same green image when opening the generated YUV
October 27, 2022, 5:53am
We don’t see anything suspicious in the code. Would suggest set up Xavier developer kit + USB camera to run 12_camera_v4l2_cuda + the patch. See if you can get valid result in this setup.
November 16, 2022, 5:32am
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