Getting slow speeds on Connectx-4 LX

I recently installed a Mellanox ConnectX-4 Lx 25GbE NIC in my desktop and also in my server. Because of performance issues, I’ve connected them directly with a DAC cable. The DAC has a 25gbps link.

For some reason, I can not get more than 7.3gbps when testing. I’ve repeated the below test many times and end op with the same result.

C:\Program Files\Mellanox\MLNX_WinOF2\Performance Tools>nd_send_bw -a -C

 #qp #bytes #iterations    MR [Mmps]     Gb/s     CPU Util.
 0   1         100000       3.841        0.03     100.00
 0   2         100000       3.954        0.06     100.00
 0   4         100000       3.978        0.13     62.06
 0   8         100000       3.963        0.25     100.00
 0   16        100000       3.947        0.51     61.58
 0   32        100000       3.953        1.01     100.00
 0   64        100000       3.938        2.02     61.44
 0   128       100000       3.856        3.95     100.00
 0   256       100000       2.699        5.53     100.00
 0   512       100000       1.536        6.29     95.99
 0   1024      100000       0.825        6.76     100.00
 0   2048      100000       0.428        7.02     100.00
 0   4096      100000       0.218        7.16     98.98
 0   8192      100000       0.110        7.23     100.00
 0   16384     100000       0.055        7.27     100.00
 0   32768     100000       0.028        7.28     100.00
 0   65536     100000       0.014        7.29     100.00
 0   131072    100000       0.007        7.30     100.00

I noticed that the Cpu Util in the output “100%”. What is that figure from? My CPUs on both ends are at 10% max when I’m doing a transfer. I’m wondering if that’s the issue?

I’ve written the following Powershell script to adjust the driver parameters:

$location = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\*"
$nics = gci $location | where-object { $_.GetValue('DriverDesc') -like 'Mellanox*' }

# Window performance tweaks according to Nvidia documentation
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" -Name "SackOpts" -Value 0 -Type DWORD
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AFD\Parameters" -Name "FastSendDatagramThreshold" -Value 64000 -Type DWORD
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ndis\Parameters" -Name "RssBaseCpu" -Value 1 -Type DWORD
netsh int tcp set global rss = enabled

foreach ($n in $nics) {
  #Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*MaxRssProcessors' -Value "32" -Type String

  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*NumRSSQueues' -Value "8" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*ReceiveBuffers' -Value "1024" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*TransmitBuffers' -Value "2048" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*NetworkDirect' -Value "1" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name 'TxIntModerationProfile' -Value "2" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name 'RxIntModerationProfile' -Value "2" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name 'AsyncReceiveIndicate' -Value "1" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name 'RfdReservationFactor' -Value "10000" -Type String 

  # Research and no diff (set back to default)
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*JumboPacket' -Value "1512" -Type String
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*MaxRssProcessors' -Value "24" -Type String

  # Researched and helps
  Set-ItemProperty -Path $n.PSPath -Name '*FlowControl' -Value "3" -Type String


$adapters = Get-NetAdapter | where -Property "InterfaceDescription" -like "Mellanox*"
foreach ($a in $adapters) {
  Disable-NetAdapter -Name $a.Name -Confirm:$false
  Enable-NetAdapter -Name $a.Name -Confirm:$false

None of the above tweaks seem to affect anything, except for Flow Control, which drops performance when disabled.

According to the driver Info, my cards are connected to a PCI-E 8.0GT/s x4 port which should be good for 3.938 GB/s.

When copying and pasting using using SMB, the speed starts out at 1.75GB/s, fluctuates a little, and then it drops down to 0, waits for a few seconds, then jumps back up to 1.75. I’m not sure why it keeps disconnecting. Speeds are good, then it drops, so I end up with just 7gbps because it keeps dropping the connection in the middle of the transfers.

Which WinOF2 version are you using and which MFT version?
Make sure you are using the latest version from this page according to the Windows version:

Also, make sure that latest MFT is installed and then check the link via the mlxlink.exe tool as described in the following user manual:
The following command line is helpful:
./mlxlink.exe -d -e -m -c

Best Regards,