Getting user_meta through pyds

I need to pass two values calculated in a custom-plugin I’ve made and fetch them with a sink pad buffer probe.

Currently I’m modifying the gst-dsdirection plugin and saving a user_meta to frame_meta. The output is the same DsDirectionOutput as in the gst-dsdirection example.

static void
attach_metadata_frame (GstDsDirection * dsdirection, NvDsFrameMeta * frame_meta,
    DsDirectionOutput * output)

  NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta = frame_meta->base_meta.batch_meta;

  // Attach - DsDirection MetaData
  NvDsUserMeta *user_meta = nvds_acquire_user_meta_from_pool (batch_meta);
  NvDsMetaType user_meta_type = NVDS_DIRECTION_USER_META;

  user_meta->user_meta_data = output;
  user_meta->base_meta.meta_type = user_meta_type;
  user_meta->base_meta.copy_func = copy_ds_direction_meta;
  user_meta->base_meta.release_func = release_ds_direction_meta;

  nvds_add_user_meta_to_frame (frame_meta, user_meta);


In the python application I’m fetching it like this:

batch_meta = pyds.gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta(hash(gst_buffer))
l_frame = batch_meta.frame_meta_list
while l_frame is not None:
        # Note that needs a cast to pyds.NvDsFrameMeta
        # The casting is done by pyds.glist_get_nvds_frame_meta()
        # The casting also keeps ownership of the underlying memory
        # in the C code, so the Python garbage collector will leave
        # it alone.
        #frame_meta = pyds.glist_get_nvds_frame_meta(
        frame_meta = pyds.NvDsFrameMeta.cast(
    except StopIteration:

    l_user = frame_meta.frame_user_meta_list
    user_meta = pyds.NvDsUserMeta.cast(

    print('user_meta:', user_meta)
    print('user_meta.user_meta_data:', user_meta.user_meta_data)
    print('user_meta.base_meta:', user_meta.base_meta)

The output from this is:

<pyds.GList object at 0x7f2d8fc10030>
user_meta: <pyds.NvDsUserMeta object at 0x7f2d8fc10ab0>
user_meta.user_meta_data: <capsule object NULL at 0x7f2d8fc6a300>
user_meta.base_meta: <pyds.NvDsBaseMeta object at 0x7f2d8fc100a0>

Any idea how to properly add it to the frame_meta and/or fetch the values with the python bindings? Should I maybe save this as a different object structure?


Hey, so you are trying to add user meta data to the frame_meta using python app, right?

I’m saving this

typedef struct
  float flowx;
  float flowy;
  char direction[MAX_LABEL_SIZE];
} DsDirectionObject;

structure to the frame_meta via

nvds_add_user_meta_to_frame (frame_meta, user_meta);

But the main thing is that I’m having trouble fetching the values with a python app (probe).

I’m wondering what is the best way to do this?
I just need to save two floats in my custom plug-in to each frame, and then be able to fetch it in my python app.

Got it, you need to add your own python bindings to access your own c data structure. You can refer GitHub - mrtj/pyds_tracker_meta: pybind11 wrapper to access Nvidia DeepStream tracker meta info from Python. for how to add your own binding

Great, thanks!

Still having trouble with this.
I’m saving this structure

typedef struct
  float flowx;
  float flowy;
} DsDirectionObject2;

with this function

static void
attach_metadata_frame (GstDsDirection * dsdirection, NvDsFrameMeta * frame_meta,
    DsDirectionObject2 * output, NvDsBatchMeta * batch_meta)

  // Attach - DsDirection MetaData
  NvDsUserMeta *user_meta = nvds_acquire_user_meta_from_pool (batch_meta);
  NvDsMetaType user_meta_type = NVDS_DIRECTION_USER_META;

  //output_object  = output->object;

  std::cout << "meanx :  " << output->flowx << std::endl;
  std::cout << "meany :  " << output->flowy << std::endl;
  std::cout << "user_meta_type :  " << user_meta_type << std::endl;

  user_meta->user_meta_data = output;
  user_meta->base_meta.meta_type = user_meta_type;
  user_meta->base_meta.copy_func = copy_ds_direction_meta;
  user_meta->base_meta.release_func = release_ds_direction_meta;

  nvds_add_user_meta_to_frame (frame_meta, user_meta);


which prints, e.g.:

meanx :  30.3153
meany :  -8.39673
user_meta_type :  10773

However I’m not able to cast it successfully to python with this (added in pyds_tracker_meta.cpp)

    [](void *obj) { return (DsDirectionObject2*)(obj); },
    "Cast given object/data to DsDirectionObject2",

I always get the same error when I try to print the type and cast it to python

    while user_meta_list is not None:
        user_meta = pyds.NvDsUserMeta.cast(
            print('user_meta: ', user_meta.base_meta.meta_type)
            if str(user_meta.base_meta.meta_type) != 'NvDsMetaType.NVDS_OPTICAL_FLOW_META':
                dsdir = pyds_tracker_meta.DsDirectionObject2_cast(user_meta.user_meta_data)
                print('dsdir: ', dsdir)
        except Exception as e:

        user_meta_list =

Then the output is:

user_meta:  NvDsMetaType.NVDS_OPTICAL_FLOW_META
user_meta:  NvDsMetaType.???
Unable to convert function return value to a Python type! The signature was
	(obj: capsule) -> DsDirectionObject2

I hope you can me with this
All the best,

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Oh, seems you also need to add binding function for your user meta type, it’s NVDS_DIRECTION_USER_META you defined, right?