GPIO always low on on Orin?

hello mcevoy.andy,

there’s an issue to configure GPIO directly on JetPack-5.0 DP,
currently, if you would like to make changes dynamically, you may use devmem/reg_dump to update pinmux register , or update MB1 pinmux bct file.
for example,
pinmux.0x02430030 = 0x0000005a; # soc_gpio42_pq6: rsvd2, pull-up, tristate-enable, input-enable, io_high_voltage-disable, lpdr-disable

please set both bit-4 and bit-6 as 0 to configure this pin as output mode. after that, you should be able to control the pin through sysfs.
for example,
pinmux register: 0x02430030 / Default boot value: 0x5a
please update bit-4 and bit-6 to set required direction. whereas, Output: Bit 4 = 0 Bit 6=0, Input: Bit 4=1 Bit 6=1
please try below steps to make GPIO output working.

$ sudo devmem2 0x02430030 w 0x0a
$ echo [GPIO number] > /sys/class/gpio/export
$ cd /sys/class/gpio/PQ.06
$ echo out > direction
$ cat value # change value and check.

you may also refer to developer guide, To check a GPIO number ,
please follow the GPIO debugfs for looking up the port and offset.
for example,
454 is the GPIO number of PQ.06

$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio | grep PQ.06
 gpio-454 (PQ.06               )

there’s GPIO fixes included in the next Jetpack public release, JetPack-5.0.2 will be available on mid-Aug,
you may see-also Topic 222842 for details. thanks