Gstreamer Daemon - building a media server in under 30 minutes

Hello everyone ,I want to test media server, but when I use GStreamer Daemon - building a media server in under 30 minutes I get this error .

Creating camera pipeline

Could not connect to localhost: Connection refused
Could not connect to localhost: Connection refused
i’m new in Gstreamer an i need your Help please .


It is not clear about building a media server. You may share more information about what you would like to do. A general case is to launch RTSP server through test-launch. You may refer to

We are deprecating omx plugins and you can run

./test-launch “videotestsrc ! nvvidconv ! nvv4l2h265enc ! h265parse ! rtph265pay name=pay0 pt=96”
1 Like


GStreamer Daemon uses server/client model to be executed. make sure to run first gstd and then gstd-client in separated terminal


Terminal 1

gstd -D

Terminal 2


Go to the GStreamer Daemon documentation for more information




Thanks for your replay , i have a problem while executing the samples of creating camera ,creating streaming …
i got this error and i don’t now how to resolve it .
Gstd version 0.10.0Copyright (C) 2015-2020 RidgeRun ( 10098 0x557002bde0 ERROR gstdlist gstd_list.c:278:gstd_list_delete:GstdList@0x556fe0d5b0 The resource “streaming” doesn’t exists in "pipelines"0:06:48.130380573 10098 0x557002bde0 ERROR gstdpipeline gstd_pipeline.c:504:gstd_pipeline_create:GstdPipeline@0x7f9c105830 Unable to create pipeline: noproperty “enable-sync” in element "streaming"0:06:48.130470677 10098 0x557002bde0 ERROR gstdlist gstd_list.c:233:gstd_list_create:GstdList@0x556fe0d5b0 Could not create the resource “streaming” on "pipelines"0:09:09.802901040 10098 0x557002bd90 ERROR gstdlist gstd_list.c:278:gstd_list_delete:GstdList@0x556fe0d5b0 The resource “camera” doesn’t exists in “pipelines"0:09:09.894201925 10098 0x557002bd90 ERROR gstdpipeline gstd_pipeline.c:504:gstd_pipeline_create:GstdPipeline@0x7f9c1058e0 Unable to create pipeline: could not link nvarguscamerasrc0 to nvvconv0, nvarguscamerasrc0 can’t handle caps video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, format=(string)I420, framerate=(fraction)30/10:09:09.894297706 10098 0x557002bd90 ERROR gstdlist gstd_list.c:233:gstd_list_create:GstdList@0x556fe0d5b0 Could not create the resource “camera” on"pipelines”

Hi DaneLLL;
I’ve been trying to execute this and i got this error:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! omxh265enc ! rtph265pay name=pay0 pt=96
Setting pipeline to PAUSED …
Pipeline is PREROLLED …
Setting pipeline to PLAYING …
New clock: GstSystemClock
Framerate set to : 30 at NvxVideoEncoderSetParameterNvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 8
===== NVMEDIA: NVENC =====
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 8
NVMEDIA: H265 : Profile : 1
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstOMXH265Enc-omxh265enc:omxh265enc-omxh265enc0: Internal data stream error.


RTSP server cannot be launched in gst-launch-1.0 command. You would need to build and run test-launch application.

Hello aphilopso,

i have launch 2 Terminals: First one for the gsdt -D and the second for the gstd-client, and i have tried to compile the examples already on the gstd-30min-server but i got the same Error.
what i missing??
how can i lauch that correctly

0:00:51.923824634 17634 0x55a2537d90 ERROR gstdlist gstd_list.c:278:gstd_list_delete:GstdList@0x55a23195b0 The resource “camera” doesn’t exists in “pipelines”
0:00:52.340396832 17634 0x55a2537d90 ERROR gstdpipeline gstd_pipeline.c:504:gstd_pipeline_create:GstdPipeline@0x7f68106800 Unable to create pipeline: could not link nvarguscamerasrc0 to nvvconv0, nvarguscamerasrc0 can’t handle caps video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, format=(string)I420, framerate=(fraction)30/1


Could you share your pipeline please?

Seems there is something missing in it.


HI9 aphillopso,

thanks for your replay , i want to test this
:GstInterpipe - RidgeRun Developer Connection

the pipeline for creating the camera : gst-client pipeline_delete camera
gst-client pipeline_create camera
nvarguscamerasrc ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1920,height=1080,format=I420,framerate=30/1 !
nvvidconv ! video/x-raw !
interpipesink name=camera sync=false

And for playing is :gst-client pipeline_play camera


nvarguscamerasrc only support NV12 on Jetpack 4.3. You can try using that format.


nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ gst-inspect-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc
Factory Details:
  Rank                     primary (256)
  Long-name                NvArgusCameraSrc
  Klass                    Video/Capture
  Description              nVidia ARGUS Camera Source
  Author                   Viranjan Pagar <>, Amit Pandya <>

Plugin Details:
  Name                     nvarguscamerasrc
  Description              nVidia ARGUS Source Component
  Filename                 /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/
  Version                  1.0.0
  License                  Proprietary
  Source module            nvarguscamerasrc
  Binary package           NvARGUSCameraSrc
  Origin URL     


Pad Templates:
  SRC template: 'src'
    Availability: Always
                  width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
                 height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
                 format: { (string)NV12 }
              framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]