GTX430 and problem of enabling CUDA

Hi all,

I am a new user of Nvidia and i just got a new GTX430 card from college for testing CUDA application. I have tried to install the driver(260.00/263.06) number of times
However, the processing of enabling CUDA nearly driving me mad.

here is my PC config.:
OS:windows server 2008 R2 64 bit
graphic card: GTX430
driver: 263.06 64bit developer driver

and here is the step I have gone through(all the install I use default path):
1)install the driver 263.06 64 bit
2)install CUDA toolkit 3.2
3)install Nvidia computing SDK
4)run the bandwidth test and device query program.

I got from bandwidthTest:
.\bandwidthTest.exe Starting…

Running on…

Quick Mode

d:/ : cudaSafeCall() Runtime API error : no CUDA-capable device is detected.

I got from deviceQuery:
.\deviceQuery.exe Starting…

CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)

cudaGetDeviceCount FAILED CUDA Driver and Runtime version may be mismatched.


Press to Quit…

I got from deviceQueryDrv:
CUDA Device Query (Driver API) statically linked version
Cuda driver error 3 in file ‘.\deviceQueryDrv.cpp’ in line 42.


I have already uninstall and reinstall the driver, SDK and toolkit step by step with number of times trial.
And I still got the error:
no CUDA-capable device is detected.
cudaGetDeviceCount FAILED CUDA Driver and Runtime version may be mismatched.

Is there anyone can help me out of this inf loop?!