Hardware Architecture and HW Quick Start Guide for E3550/SKU2000


I have a NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Developer Kit Xavier and have a few questions/requests for information.

  • We ordered a P3550 board but received a board with P/N E3550, what (if any) are the differences between these two boards?
  • Could you provide a hardware architecture diagram for this particular board? We do not have the optional dGPUs.
  • The HW Quick Start Guide we received with our board makes reference to SKU1000 and SKU1100. We ordered the SKU2000, can you send us the HW quick start guide for this board?
  • We can't run any of the examples from the Hyperion Launcher (using either DRIVEOS 1.0 or 8.0), why is this? Is it a limitation of not having the optional dGPUs?

I look forward to your response,

Dear otto.emmerich,

Please refer to below reply.


Firstly, thank you for such a speedy reply.

Secondly to address the points:

Again, thanks for your speedy response.
It is a lengthy request but we appreciate your support!


Hi Vickyy,

Thanks for your response however I have already seen this document.

As I point out in the answer you have quoted, the Hardware architecture diagram in the document you have linked is actually for the NVIDIA DRIVE Pegasus Developer Kit (as it contains the two dGPUs).

The board we have is the NVIDIA DRIVE Xavier Developer Kit (without the two dGPUs).
Have you got an architecture diagram for this board?

We are trying to best understand the platform we are working with and so would appreciate a definitive answers to this and my other questions from the post on 02/01/2019.

I look forward to your response.
Many Thanks,


Hi Vickyy,

I’d really appreciate an answer to my post above and on the 02/01/19.
We are waiting on the information over here to make some implementation decisions.


Please download DRIVE™ Software Documentation in https://developer.nvidia.com/drive/documentation and take a look at corresponding references.

The documentation you have linked does not answer the questions I am asking.
As I clearly state in my response on 02/01/2019, I require the following information:

  • The HW architecture for the NVIDIA DRIVE Developer Kit Xavier, not the Pegasus.
  • The HW quick start guide for the SKU2000 kit with a harness that only has the 48-pin connector, or an explanation why our SKU2000 kit does not have the harness with both a 48-pin and 32-pin connector as shown in the HW quick start guide you have linked
  • Detail on why we are forced to flash the Hyperion Launcher to the board when flashing DRIVEOS when the board that we have does not support it.
  • Detail on how to run the Roadrunner samples without the use of the Hyperion Launcher

Thanks for your speedy response.

I haven’t run it. But could you take a look at [NVIDIA_DRIVE_SW_8.0_References extract path]/DRIVE_Software/Roadrunner/index.html of DRIVE™ Software Documentation in https://developer.nvidia.com/drive/documentation ?

Dear otto.emmerich,
May I know if your board has 2 xaviers and no extra dGPUs? If so the architecture is same except no dGPUs
Roadrunner runs only on NVIDIA DRIVE™ Development Platform Pegasus. You could check running different modes following file:///usr/local/driveworks-1.5/doc/nvapp_html/rr_bench_mode.html
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Hi SivaRamaKrishna,

Thanks for your response, apologies for my late one.

Yes we have the Development Kit with 2 Xaviers and no extra dGPUs. If this is the case then do we still have the PCIe GEN3 Switch-2 or the COM Exp T7 Conn? Secondly, some ports on the drive are reserved for future use, could you point out which ports are non-functional?

I’m slightly confused as I have seen other posts that say it’s only the Hyperion examples that are exclusive to the Pegasus platform. The Xaiver platform is listed and sold with some examples, if these are not through Roadrunner then how do I access these samples?

Thanks for your detailed response

  • Otto

Dear otto,
My apologies for late responce.

do we still have the PCIe GEN3 Switch-2 or the COM Exp T7 Conn?

Switch-2 is meant to switch PCIe connection of dGPUs to COM express, however both of them should be placed on board.

could you point out which ports are non-functional?

Marked below
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if these are not through Roadrunner then how do I access these samples?

You can find the shipped samples at /usr/local/driveworks/samples/