Having issues going back to older JetPack 4.2.1

The Jetson AGX board is currently at 4.5.1 and am having issues and want to go back to an older JetPack like 4.2.1

With the latest SDKMANAGER I cannot drop back to the 4.4.1 or 4.4 it never completes the flashing of the OS.

I uninstalled the latest sdkmanager and figured out where to remove the database then installed the older version of the sdkmanager and it does not give the option for the older JetPacks but does tell you to upgrade to be able to load the ones listed. (4.6, 4.5, and 4.4)

Looks like the Linux_For_Tegra files are available from the archive site.

So my questions are:

  1. Where to download the sdkml2_jetpack*.json files
  2. Is there any known issues in going back to an older version.

Hi @duane.markell,

To help get more exposure for your topic, I am going to move it to the Jetson AGX category.

Tom K

Hi duane.markell,

Please run below command to install JP-4.2.1:
$ sdkmanager --archivedversions

Thanks for the help!!
I installed the latest SDK manager then issued the “sdkmanager --archivedversions” then had access to the older JetPacks.

It took me three attempts to be able to flash it in. But is is now at the 4.2.1 version. :)

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