i wanna create my own python detection code for detecting custom data set on jetson nano
i’ve finished creating my own custom model with the youtube videos using jetson inference and detect net and it’s running fine but i wan’t to add an action when detecting something speceific like a certain traffic sign how can i do that after creating the onnx model
Have you checked this page?
<img src="https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-inference/raw/master/docs/images/deep-vision-header.jpg" width="100%">
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<sup>Transfer Learning - Object Detection</sup></s></p>
# Collecting your own Detection Datasets
The previously used `camera-capture` tool can also label object detection datasets from live video:
<img src="https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-inference/raw/master/docs/images/pytorch-collection-detect.jpg" >
When the `Dataset Type` drop-down is in Detection mode, the tool creates datasets in [Pascal VOC](http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/) format (which is supported during training).
> **note:** if you want to label a set of images that you already have (as opposed to capturing them from camera), try using a tool like [`CVAT`](https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/cvat) and export the dataset in Pascal VOC format. Then create a labels.txt in the dataset with the names of each of your object classes.
## Creating the Label File
Under `jetson-inference/python/training/detection/ssd/data`, create an empty directory for storing your dataset and a text file that will define the class labels (usually called `labels.txt`). The label file contains one class label per line, for example:
``` bash
This file has been truncated. show original
thank you for replying
yeah i’ve tried it but i wanna turn it into a python code so when i detect something specific i can do an action like an output at the jetson nano pins and so on
Do you mean you want the Python version detectnet?
It is available in the below folder:
July 2, 2024, 1:28pm
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