I want to boot from Nvme ssd,so I copy the rootfs to the Nvme ssd(filesystem format is ext4 ),and I have build blk_dev_nvme in kernel. I changed the dtb file chosen node,set bootargs: root=/dev/nvme0n1p1 …
when the xavier power on,the kernel has loaded and runnig ,but the rootfs loading failed.
the dmesg | grep root show : No root-device:Mount failed
in the shell I can find /dev/nvme0n1p1 device.
what should I do to solve this problem? or where need to set to auto mount root device ?
Is there any hope in the further this feature will be added. The current memory limitation is too small to build needed software. In building the software my software I have used over 100MB of drive attached to the Nano I am testing with. The feature needs to be added ASAP!!!