How to Back and Restore on External NVMe drive for Jetson AGX Xavier -Jetpack 5.1.2

Hi All,

I want to know, is there any other additional steps to be followed apart from the backup and restore command as shown for taking backup and restoring it effectively on a Jetson AGX Xavier.

$ sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -e nvme0n1 -b jetson-agx-xavier-industrial

$ sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -e nvme0n1 -r jetson-agx-xavier-industrial

I read in couple of threads that we need to edit some NVM backup and nvmrestore etc. executing these commands.

Pls provide me those additional steps of, what exactly we need to update, which steps are missing in the backup and restore.txt file.


NO, exactly what you have here is enough when you are using 5.1.2.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Just to get more clarity, I hope the internal eMMC will also be backed up and restored simultaneously with this process, as for AgX xavier we need eMMC also to be flashed for initial boot.

Kindly confirm this. Thanks.

This tool only backs up a single device at a time.
You have to do the case for eMMC and NVMe separately.

Ok fine.

I have my eMMC already being flashed and I only perform backup and restore for my NVMe drive, where my root file system is mounted on the NVMe drive.

After the back up and restore process for NVMe, I hope automatically RFS will be considered from NVMe and things will work fine.

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