How to build Qt and PySide2 on Xavier NX

For some reason, I have to build both Qt and PySide2 on XavierNX

I have try to build them from apt-get but some errors occured

So I try to build the latest one

Did some one ever try to build Qt and PySide2 from source?

I want to know settings when configure and build Qt and PySide2

Hi ming_wu,

Qt is working on the Jetson system but sorry that we don’t have any experience with pyside2.
You can just give it a try:


Hi kayccc,

Thanks for your reply.

Could you give me some guide on how to build Qt?

Hi ming_wu,
For building/installing Qt, we have verified the steps in

Hi @kayccc,
Did you know what will show after execute quickmwtest?
I didn’t get any widget from it

It should pop up a window. Please check the source code:

Probably you don’t disable X server correctly:

$ sudo systemctl stop gdm 
$ sudo loginctl terminate-seat seat0 
$ unset DISPLAY