We have SQL server on windows and we want to insert data from nano edge device . How to connect SQL Server from Jetson Nano using pyodbc, dont know how to do this. please help
Did you read the PyODBC documentation yet?
Gone through this already. No help
Without detailed information on the issue you have I don’t know how someone can help you, neither here nor in a pyodbc or SqlServer forum…
Hi dkreutz - could you connect SQL server from Jetson nano (ubuntu 18.04 LT) using pyodbc?
No, never tried it. I have used pymssql (but not on the Nano), which might be easier to use when connection to MS SQL Server as you don’t have to configure ODBC.
What are you trying (example code) and what is the error you get (console output or logfile)?
Thank you dkreutz. Installed pymssql and its working fine!!
From last two days i am trying to figuring out,but i failed till now
actually my python program is comminicating with Microsoft SQL server…
In windows generally the procedure is you can directly install and import a module name as pyodbc and you can communicate easily with your server
But as per my knowledge in windows the driver for connecting ms sql is pre installed but in linux system you have to install the driver first and then install the pyodbc by pip install pyodbc
But my problem is that the driver of odbc is available for amd64 based machine only,not for arm64 machine…
I am using Jetson xavier
Pls help to find the driver for arm64 and give the way to communicate with ms sql
Pls help
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