I did everything in the example part with the difference that I use sd card, not nvme.
But how can I do this part: sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1 ?
I put the Jetson into recovery mode and I see it in lsusb on my host PC with linux. OK. What’s next? flash.sh is on the Jetson and while it is in the recovery mode it isn’t accessible thoriugh ssh and show nothing on screen. Should I do it on the host PC? Or what?
what exactly do you want to do?
You mean you can flash the SD card successfully, but don’t know how to flash the NVMe drive?
What L4T version are you using?
This document is quite old, and you should refer to our official developer guide. https://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/archives/r35.4.1/DeveloperGuide/index.html
The last question, is your Xavier NX with a SD card slot or integrated eMMC?
You should use jetson-xavier-nx-devkit but not jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc as the board config file is you are using the SD card version.
our official Xavier NX DevKit does not have a SD card slot on the carrier board; for the SD card version, the slot is on the module itself, but not on the carrier board.
So looks like you are using a third-party carrier board? If that’s the case, please contact the vendor for the customized BSP.