I installed CUDA DRIVER/CUDA toolkit/CUDNN/TensorRT by network Repo method one by one. Everything is OK except I failed to import tensort in my anaconda environment because tensorrt pybinding library was installed to my system default python path.
Can you guide me how to install python3-libnvinfer/python3-libnvinfer-dev/onnx-graphsurgeon/uff-converter-tf to Anaconda virtual enviroment? I tried to find related .whl files under /usr/src/tensorrt/ for manual installation but I can’t find “python” filefolder which existed in Tar installation way.
TensorRT Version: nv-tensorrt-repo-ubuntu2004-cuda11.3-trt8.0.1.6-ga-20210626_1-1_amd64.deb
GPU Type: Tesla V100 PCIE
Nvidia Driver Version: 465.19.01
CUDA Version: cuda-toolkit-11-3_11.3.1
CUDNN Version: |libcudnn8-dev_8.2.1.32-1+cuda11.3_amd64.deb
Operating System + Version: Ubuntu20.04.1+5.11.0
Python Version (if applicable): 3.9.6
TensorFlow Version (if applicable): 2.6.0
PyTorch Version (if applicable):
Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag):
Relevant Files
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Steps To Reproduce
Please include:
- Exact steps/commands to build your repro
- Exact steps/commands to run your repro
- Full traceback of errors encountered