How to obtain driver version 473.47


on installing Create 2022.3.0 i get this message:

The drivers provided on are all newer than the recommended driver version. How do I obtain and install version 473.47 for Windows 10?


To rollback the driver you might have to use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and the find the driver on Official Advanced Driver Search | NVIDIA

Out of curiosity, what is your GPU?

Thanks @karol.osinski,

I have a Laptop with RTX3080. I tried to find the driver as you recommend but can only find versions

511.65 - 526.47 (DCH)
461.92 - 472.84 (Standard)

But not 473.47

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Hi Bruno, I think you should just install the newest driver available for your GPU. I believe that recommended driver info is just a minimum required driver version.

I wasnt able to even find the recommended version, but I asked around and NVidia said to just use the current Studio Driver - so that’s what I did on all my Computers and the popup is gone and everything is working back to normal.


Hey @bruno.vetter, check out this forum reply if you’re still having issues locating the driver that you need:

In the meantime I just installed the newest driver from scratch and it works for me.

Thanks everybody!

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