Hello !, hope you all doing well.
so i have been trying to build a simple Forward Ray Tracer Logic in OpenGL by First drawing a full screen Quad and that attach a Fragment Shader to it which is going to be the Ray Tracing Shader. So the First thing i made is implementing a Backward version first (Camera to Light Source) and it worked well, but when i tried to make a Forward Version i first tired to create a Sphere Area Light (or Spherical Light for short) the approach i used is Generating Random Points on the Surface of the Sphere (as the Rays Origin ) and then generate random Directions using spherical coordinates (as the Rays Direction) but it seems that the method is used is totally wrong because when i try to run it i don’t see any actual Spheres just a bunch of Dots (this are not the Pixels btw) so my Question is how can i correctly make a Sphere Area Light Source inside a Forward Ray Tracer?
also if anyone have made a Forward Ray Tracing before it will be nice from you to share the code