Environment: rtx4080ti videocodec12.0 cuda11.1 opencv
There are 8x 4k video streams that need to be concatenated into a super high resolution (3840 * 4, 2160 * 2) video stream in 2 rows and 4 columns for encoding and streaming. However, upon checking the matrix supported by the GPU, the maximum support for H264 encoding is 4k, and the maximum support for H265 encoding is 8k. May I ask how to break through the encoding resolution limit and perform GPU encoding on ultra high resolutions (3840 * 4, 2160 * 2) or higher, or what other methods can be used to achieve this?
For dGPU video codec issue, suggest to open your topic at Latest Gaming and Visualization Technologies/Video Processing & Optical Flow topics - NVIDIA Developer Forums. Thanks
Okay, thank you for your suggestion.
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