How to take the log of FAN speed and temperature each GPU board

Hello. There are two K4000 in my workstation. That is a Z800 by HP.
To confirm GPU performance on hard, I’d like to get the log info of FAN speed and temperature on each K4000.
Especially I’d like to get the log between power on workstation and shout down work station.

I tried to use GPU-Z but I failed. I got the log when use one GFX board. This tool could not support dual GPU system.
I know nvidia-smi command tool can help my trial. But I need some information and suggestion.
-How to get the log each GFX board
-How to get the log between power on workstation and shout down work station.


Did you try launching 2 GPU-z instances? I haven’t tried, but perhaps it’ll work. You can script nvidia-smi to output the information you want… this is easier in Unix/Linux just because the native tools for manipulating output are there… e.g. simple case:

nvidia-smi -lms 1000 -q | grep Fan

If on Linux, you can also use nvidia-settings -q, but given your post it seems you’re on Windows.