How to using jetson inference to training my hand datasets?

I have two problem of this document,
[[jetson-inference/docs/ at master · dusty-nv/jetson-inference · GitHub](](https://posenet)
i see the video of hand pose detection that is so unstable and easy to get the keypoint to other place.
i don’t know what reason cause this problem.
is it the problem of dataset or other reason? and i do not see any doc to teach me how to train my hand pose dataset using resNet-18.
i try to follow this projet and get the model to test ,
but my realsense camera seem no support to using Jetcam libary.
how to translate the .pth model to onnx to use in Jetson_inference lib. i try to transfer the .pth but faild

import torch
import onnx
import torchvision
# Load  PyTorch model
model = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True)

# Set  input shape of the model
input_shape = (1, 3, 256, 256)

# Export  PyTorch model to ONNX format
torch.onnx.export(model, torch.randn(input_shape), 'resnet18.onnx', opset_version=11)

could you help me how to training or how to transfer .pth to onnx. i am a newbie. thank you!


What kind of error do you meet when converting the model into ONNX?
PyTorch library should support the ONNX export already.

Usually, you will need a desktop GPU to train a model.
Or you can find the below tutorial for the detector:


I already read this page and i just curious is there are any dataset for Hand detection i didn’t see. if i want to make dataset for hand keypoint how to make the folder and label through jetson nano and it is the same as sample resnet—18 model ? i didnt see any document to show this kind of dataset. so i dont know how to do this.i only see coco dataset for downloading from this the way may I use jetson nano GPU to train resnet model? thank you


Another sample will be trt_pose_hand.
You can find some related info in data_collection and gesture_training folder:


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