I am having some issues getting the NVIDIA card to work as expected in the above configuration.
In summary, the steps I have followed so far from reading forums/blog posts etc are
- Enable VT-D in BIOS
- Install ESXi 5.5 U2
- Enabled Device Passhtrough in ESXi (followed by restart)
- Updated XenApp VMs to h/w version 10
- Allocated reserved 64GB RAM to each VM along with 10vCPU
- Added following to VMs vmx file (pciHole.start = “2048”) / restarted VM
- Add new PCI Devices to VMs (1 x GPU per VM)
- Installed NVIDIA GRID Series K1 drivers / restarted VM
I then followed Jasons video here to verify configuration
YouTube is not currently available on this device. - YouTube
From this i found the following, when logging into console via vCenter
- as expected, in Device Manager I see "VMware SVGA 3D" Display adapter and also now one for "NVIDIA GRID K1"
- however when I run the NVIDIA Control Panel i get an error stating that its not being used so cannot run (Error is "You are not currently using a display attached to the NVIDIA GPU"
I have attempted the install via RDP and vCenter Console Session, and attempted to run the Control Panel via a full Console session and same issue.
When I load dxdiag the NVIDIA is not being utilised,
- when using RDP it shows RDPDD Channel DD (which is expected)
- when using vCenter console it shows VMware SVGA 3D (rather than the NVIDIA)
I have also disabled the "VMware SVGA 3D" adapter and rebooted but still no luck with accessing the NVIDIA Control Panel, when I run dxdiag after disabling, the adapter used is blank.
Any ideas on what I may have missed or would you expect this in a vCenter Console session to VM?