I have to use the Jetson Nano like an I2C Slave device.
I found a topic what I followed and I have build a custom image, after image flashing I don’t see any i2c slave devices (ie.: /dev/slave-i2c-0) what I’d to use in a c++ qt app.
My modifications:
Enabled these configs:
Modified the kernel device-tree:
the dts file: Linux_for_Tegra/sources/hardware/nvidia/platform/t18x/quill/kernel-
what I added this file:
i2c@7000c000 {
compatible = “nvidia,tegra210-i2c-slave”;
eeprom@64 {
reg = <0x64>;
status = “okay”;
Could you please check from the list above if there are any missing settings?
Yes, I would like to use the I2C Slave function, so I’m interested in what I2C master sends to me.
Is there anybody you can escalate my issue?
Based on the module’s description it supports the I2C Slave, but there are no available descriptions, references or documentation for usage. How can I use it if I do not receive any help?