I have tested deeplab model for image segmentation on my pc and it gives a correct result but when I tranfered the model to Jetson Tx2, it did not work properly, the result is the image below from Tx2
Tx2 information:
Tensorflow-gpu 1.9.0 nvidia release
Open CV 3.4.1-dev
CUDA 9.0
Jetpack 3.3
My system information:
Tensorflow-gpu 1.11.0
Open CV 3.4.3
CUDA 9.0
Do you mean that I have to re-flash the device with jetpack3.1 ?
What if I upgrade jetson’s Tensorflow to 1.11.0 ? Does it help?
Is there any way to make sure that it is a memory problem while running the model? I just don’t want to reflash and start from the beginning.
In order to know this problem I have installed CUDA8 in JetPack 3.2 and succeeded in running deeplab. But, it destroyed GUI (desktop environment) of TX2. (Maybe, when I removed CUDA9, I also removed important related packages.)
Therefore, it is the best to flash JetPack3.1 or run tensorflow with CPU.
I have never used Tensorflow 1.11.0, but I think it probably will not be solved.
Hi, I have the same problem with Deeplab in TX2.
I can’t re-flash the device with jetpack3.1 for warning “Error:downloading update lock”, while jetpack3.3 use well. @AastaLLL
How can I get CUDA8 for TX2?
Or do you find other way to solve the problem? @mohammam