Hello, I just got the Jetson nano 2gb, and i want to make use of the gpu on it, so i installed cuda 11, and now i should install tensorflow-gpu 2.4 or higher, but I’m confused, is this Installing TensorFlow for Jetson Platform :: NVIDIA Deep Learning Frameworks Documentation tensorflow-gpu or tensorflow CPU ? Cause i can’t find the source for downloading tensorflow-gpu 2.4 ,
I’m new to all of this, so plz help me out, thanks a lot!
Please noted that Nano is an ARM system so you cannot install an x86 package on it.
Currently, most of the Jetson packages can be found in the JetPack.
The latest CUDA version for Jetson should be 10.2.
After setting up with JetPack, you can install TensorFlow with the link you mentioned.
It is a prebuilt package for Jetson with GPU support.
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