Internal data stream error while running deepstream-test1

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
• DeepStream Version
• TensorRT Version
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
• How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing)
./deepstream-test1-app /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/streams/sample_qHD.h264

Hello, I am a beginner and trying to run deepstream-test-1 app with

./deepstream-test1-app /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/streams/sample_qHD.h264

It displays a black screen for a moment and gives the following output

Added elements to bin
Using file: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/streams/sample_qHD.h264
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See `CUDA_MODULE_LOADING` in
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See `CUDA_MODULE_LOADING` in
0:00:01.862750168   724 0x55d3fd9820a0 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-nvinference-engine> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1909> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0   INPUT  kFLOAT input_1         3x368x640       
1   OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_bbox     16x23x40        
2   OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_cov/Sigmoid 4x23x40         

0:00:01.932081111   724 0x55d3fd9820a0 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-nvinference-engine> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2012> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:01.934194141   724 0x55d3fd9820a0 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus:<primary-nvinference-engine> [UID 1]: Load new model:dstest1_pgie_config.txt sucessfully
cuGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer failed with error(219) gst_eglglessink_cuda_init texture = 1
Frame Number = 0 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
0:00:02.139869467   724 0x55d3fce13700 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:2369:gst_nvinfer_output_loop:<primary-nvinference-engine> error: Internal data stream error.
0:00:02.139894023   724 0x55d3fce13700 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:2369:gst_nvinfer_output_loop:<primary-nvinference-engine> error: streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
ERROR from element primary-nvinference-engine: Internal data stream error.
Error details: gstnvinfer.cpp(2369): gst_nvinfer_output_loop (): /GstPipeline:dstest1-pipeline/GstNvInfer:primary-nvinference-engine:
streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
Returned, stopping playback
Frame Number = 1 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 2 Number of objects = 6 Vehicle Count = 5 Person Count = 1
nvstreammux: Successfully handled EOS for source_id=0
Frame Number = 3 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 4 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 5 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 6 Number of objects = 6 Vehicle Count = 5 Person Count = 1
Deleting pipeline

Any idea how to fix this? thanks

What’s the model of your GPU? Are you executing the command from desktop environment on monitor, or execute it remotely via ssh? Please also share how you installed DeepStream6.2, thanks.

My GPU is 3050ti (notebook), I am executing the command from desktop environment on monitor. I followed the following steps to install DeepStream6.2

Verify that you have LATEST nvidia driver installed.

Install Docker:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce
sudo systemctl status docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

Deepstream Docker:
sudo apt update
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)

curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -

curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list 
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
sudo systemctl restart docker
docker pull

docker images

xhost +
docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v /home/YOUR USER NAME/deep-workspace:/deep-workspace/ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --security-opt seccomp=unconfined  -w /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0  (f5ed161342f4) <- REPLACE WITH THE ACTUAL DEEPSTREAM ID THAT WE GOT FROM THE DOCKER IMAGES LIST

-->From here, we are in the docker:

Updates packages (apt-get update/upgrade)
\!/ YOU ARE ALREADY IN ROOT MODE, SO NO NEED TO SUDO (otherwise you get sudo not found error)
Install software you want (like python..etc) and if you want a graphical IDE, you can install nvidia Nsight:
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-nsight
when done, you need to save the docker (because when you quit a docker, it resets).
First, open a new terminal from the host machine and do:
docker ps

this will give you current docker session ID, 
Then do: docker commit <container id> <new docker name>

once done, you can exit the container by doing exit

To use the new updated container, just do docker images, then do the docker run --gpus all ..Etc command by replacing the last Docker Image id by the new renamed one's.

Later on, everytime you finish working, just commit using the same name and it should be good to go.

Could you attach the log by using the GST_DEBUG=3 ./deepstream-test1-app /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/streams/sample_qHD.h264 command? It will show more debug information.
Also, if you use Linux OS, you should make sure your laptop is attached to the NVDIA graphics card by default.

Here is the output

Added elements to bin
Using file: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/streams/sample_qHD.h264
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

0:00:00.106918925   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106937856   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat MJPG
0:00:00.106940801   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106943472   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat MJPG
0:00:00.106952572   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106955106   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat AV10
0:00:00.106957079   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106959631   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat AV10
0:00:00.106965756   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106968469   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat DVX5
0:00:00.106970605   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106973740   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat DVX5
0:00:00.106978026   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106980637   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat DVX4
0:00:00.106982653   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106987639   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat DVX4
0:00:00.106992651   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.106995212   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat MPG4
0:00:00.106997199   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107000874   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat MPG4
0:00:00.107005161   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107007976   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat MPG2
0:00:00.107010517   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107014626   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat MPG2
0:00:00.107020571   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107023300   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat H265
0:00:00.107025372   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107027872   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat H265
0:00:00.107032048   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107034431   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat VP90
0:00:00.107036438   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107038716   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat VP90
0:00:00.107042285   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107044499   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat VP80
0:00:00.107046512   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107048777   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat VP80
0:00:00.107056579   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107059234   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat H264
0:00:00.107061290   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107063985   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:sink> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat H264
0:00:00.107270671   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:src> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107274613   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2942:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:src> Could not probe minimum capture size for pixelformat NM12
0:00:00.107278704   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:3057:gst_v4l2_object_get_nearest_size:<nvv4l2-decoder:src> Unable to try format: Unknown error -1
0:00:00.107281740   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2948:gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format:<nvv4l2-decoder:src> Could not probe maximum capture size for pixelformat NM12
0:00:00.107286874   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                    v4l2 gstv4l2object.c:2395:gst_v4l2_object_add_interlace_mode:0x559a0b3b3480 Failed to determine interlace mode
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See `CUDA_MODULE_LOADING` in
WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See `CUDA_MODULE_LOADING` in
0:00:01.848794042   160 0x559a0bfab500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-nvinference-engine> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1909> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0   INPUT  kFLOAT input_1         3x368x640       
1   OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_bbox     16x23x40        
2   OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_cov/Sigmoid 4x23x40         

0:00:01.913974387   160 0x559a0bfab500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:680:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-nvinference-engine> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2012> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:01.916107657   160 0x559a0bfab500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus:<primary-nvinference-engine> [UID 1]: Load new model:dstest1_pgie_config.txt sucessfully
0:00:01.916297482   160 0x559a0bfab500 WARN                 basesrc gstbasesrc.c:3600:gst_base_src_start_complete:<file-source> pad not activated yet
cuGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer failed with error(219) gst_eglglessink_cuda_init texture = 1
0:00:02.096298091   160 0x559a0b43caa0 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2922:gst_eglglessink_configure_caps:<nvvideo-renderer> Cuda Init failed
0:00:02.096307896   160 0x559a0b43caa0 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2933:gst_eglglessink_configure_caps:<nvvideo-renderer> Configuring caps failed
0:00:02.096395910   160 0x559a0b43c980 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.096458257   160 0x559a0b43c980 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.096482035   160 0x559a0b43c980 WARN                GST_PADS gstpad.c:4231:gst_pad_peer_query:<nv-onscreendisplay:src> could not send sticky events
0:00:02.096802245   160 0x559a0b43c980 WARN            v4l2videodec gstv4l2videodec.c:1836:gst_v4l2_video_dec_decide_allocation:<nvv4l2-decoder> Duration invalid, not setting latency
0:00:02.096820377   160 0x559a0b43c980 WARN          v4l2bufferpool gstv4l2bufferpool.c:1082:gst_v4l2_buffer_pool_start:<nvv4l2-decoder:pool:src> Uncertain or not enough buffers, enabling copy threshold
0:00:02.097028938   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.097301113   160 0x7f8ec042dcc0 WARN          v4l2bufferpool gstv4l2bufferpool.c:1533:gst_v4l2_buffer_pool_dqbuf:<nvv4l2-decoder:pool:src> Driver should never set v4l2_buffer.field to ANY
0:00:02.097328485   160 0x7f8ec042dcc0 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.097920451   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.097933121   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.097937402   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.098147323   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.098156707   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.098161090   160 0x7f8ec042dc60 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
Frame Number = 0 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
0:00:02.107657739   160 0x559a0b43cb00 ERROR          nveglglessink ext/eglgles/gsteglglessink.c:2978:gst_eglglessink_setcaps:<nvvideo-renderer> Failed to configure caps
0:00:02.107701491   160 0x559a0b43cb00 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:2369:gst_nvinfer_output_loop:<primary-nvinference-engine> error: Internal data stream error.
0:00:02.107705832   160 0x559a0b43cb00 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:2369:gst_nvinfer_output_loop:<primary-nvinference-engine> error: streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
ERROR from element primary-nvinference-engine: Internal data stream error.
Error details: gstnvinfer.cpp(2369): gst_nvinfer_output_loop (): /GstPipeline:dstest1-pipeline/GstNvInfer:primary-nvinference-engine:
streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
Returned, stopping playback
Frame Number = 1 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 2 Number of objects = 6 Vehicle Count = 5 Person Count = 1
0:00:02.113787107   160 0x559a0b43c980 WARN               baseparse gstbaseparse.c:3666:gst_base_parse_loop:<h264-parser> error: Internal data stream error.
0:00:02.113802148   160 0x559a0b43c980 WARN               baseparse gstbaseparse.c:3666:gst_base_parse_loop:<h264-parser> error: streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
nvstreammux: Successfully handled EOS for source_id=0
Frame Number = 3 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 4 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 5 Number of objects = 5 Vehicle Count = 4 Person Count = 1
Frame Number = 6 Number of objects = 6 Vehicle Count = 5 Person Count = 1
Deleting pipeline

For the second part of the question, I ran sudo prime-select nvidia before running the deepstream docker container. Here is the output of nvidia-smi within the docker container

Thu Feb 16 06:54:16 2023       
| NVIDIA-SMI 525.85.05    Driver Version: 525.85.05    CUDA Version: 12.0     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  NVIDIA GeForce ...  Off  | 00000000:01:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
| N/A   50C    P8     8W /  80W |      3MiB /  4096MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

From the log cuGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer failed with error(219), you may not install the nvidia opengl. You can try to reinstall driver with nvidia opengl. Also, please pay attension to other relevant dependencies:

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