Is it possible to copy or clone all files from eMMC to an external drive?

The is a MLC SSD for business. I tested it before and will test it later on.

The file system has been pointed to sda1, is the above command still working?

Where does your rootfs reside in now?
I think you are using the eMMC, which should be mmcblk0p1, but you are now saying it’s on sda1?
Like you have two SSD/USB drive attached to the same system?

Yes. SATA is sda1, USB is sdb1. The rootfs is pointed to SATA, and mmcblk0p1 is identified as “SD”(shown on desktop).

I want to copied the eMMC as a backup in case the sda1 fail. If the SATA SSD absent, the TX2 won’t boot or boot to terminal.

The “SD” icon on the sidebar is eMMC (the picture is extracted from a jetsonhacks’ video).


then what’s the purpose of backing up mmcblk0p1 when your rootfs is in sda1? Is there major difference between data in these two?
Why not just connect both of your storage devices to a PC and do the copy on it? Especially when you somehow cannot get it done on Jetson.

The config files of sda1 are somewhat different from that of mmcblk0p1. Therefore I want a copy of the original(eMMC).

If it takes a lot of the time or troubles, I will copy all the files from sda1 to sdb1 instead.

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