Is there a way to measure DRAM throughput and transactions?

I trying to investigate that effective device memory access for performance tuning on Jetson-TX1.
Is there a way to measure DRAM throughput and transactions?

I used nvprof, but could not get “dram_write_throughput”, “dram_read_throughput”, “dram_read_transctions” and “dram_write_transactions”.
There is a problem in how to use? Is there any other way?

ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu$ nvprof --analysis-metrics -o x.dat ./simpleCUBLAS
======== Warning: Metric "dram_write_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "dram_read_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "l1_shared_utilization" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "sysmem_utilization" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "dram_write_transactions" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "dram_read_transactions" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "alu_fu_utilization" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "ecc_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "ecc_transactions" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "l2_l1_read_transactions" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "l2_l1_write_transactions" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "nc_l2_read_transactions" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "l2_l1_read_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "l2_l1_write_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "nc_l2_read_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
======== Warning: Metric "atomic_throughput" cannot be found on device 0.
==25677== NVPROF is profiling process 25677, command: ./simpleCUBLAS
GPU Device 0: "GM20B" with compute capability 5.3

simpleCUBLAS test running..
==25677== Warning: Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
simpleCUBLAS test passed.
==25677== Generated result file: /home/ubuntu/x.dat

Please run the following command to query metrics supported in the platform.

nvprof –query-metrics


Thank you for your response.

Run its command, and I confirmed that there is not “dram read” or “dram write”.

I would like to accelerate some applications.
For that purpose, effective device memory access is raised as one of the measures.
And I wanted the ‘dram read throughput’ and ‘L2 cache hit rate’.
I could get its values by using nvprof on GTX TITAN-X, but could not get on the Jetson-TX1.

Can I get the ‘L2 cache hit ratio’ and ‘Device memory read throughput’ from other tool or any information on Jetson-TX1 to tuning the application?

Hi m-kubo,

By further checking, “dram_read_transactions, dram_write_transactions, l2_tex_read_hit_rate, l2_tex_write_hit_rate, dram_read_throughput, dram_write_throughput” are not supported on the mobile GPU, such as Jetson TX1/TK1.

Currently, I have no idea whether any other tool could have similar information on application tuning, but awaiting more inputs from other team. Once any update received, I will share with you.


Hi kayccc.

Thanks for taking care.
I’m counting on sharing.