Isaac ROS Visual SLAM on SSD (Jetson Orin Nano 8G)

Would you advice how to install all necessary packages on NVMe SSD populated in Jetson Orin Nano 8G developer kit to launch “Isaac ROS Visual SLAM”? GitHub - NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_visual_slam: Visual odometry package based on hardware-accelerated NVIDIA Elbrus library with world class quality and performance.
I don’t want to use an SD card.


There should be an M.2 slot to install an NVMe into the Jetson Orin Nano (article for Xavier NX but should apply mostly to Orin Nano). From there, I would setup your isaac_ros-dev space on the NVMe drive and move your Docker cache over to the new drive which is what eats up a large chunk of space if you’re not careful (link).


I foolowed the instructions on the page “” to install Nvidia Jetson Ubuntu on the SSD.
Then I followed the instructions on the page “GitHub - NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_visual_slam: Visual odometry package based on hardware-accelerated NVIDIA Elbrus library with world class quality and performance.” to install the Isaac ROS package on the SSD.
I can’t check it now because I don’t have an Intel Realsense Spatial camera.

Hopefully it helps the others who decided to use M.2 NVMe SSD as the operating system drive.


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