ISAAC Sim 4.2.0 Basis Curve Disappearing BUG!

I am trying to create a curve within the ISAAC Sim but cannot see the curve at all.
Here’s the information and screenshot. I believe it is a bug.

Isaac Sim Version

4.0.0 not yet tested
Other (please specify):

Isaac Lab Version (if applicable)

Other (please specify):

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Other (please specify):

GPU Information

  • Model: RTX4080 Super
  • Driver Version: 565.90

Topic Description

Detailed Description

(Describe the issue in detail, including what you were trying to do, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a new stage USD
  2. Window->Extensions: enable CURVE CREATOR TOOL and CURVE MANIPULATOR
  3. Create->BasisCurves->New Curve
  4. Pick several points then hit Done
  5. Although I can see the control interfaces, no curve are shown.

Error Messages

No error message in the terminal.

Screenshots or Videos

Additional Information

What I’ve Tried

I have tried that in the ISAAC Sim 2023.1.1 and latest USD Composer and they’re working fine.

Related Issues

(If you’re aware of any related issues or forum posts, please link them here)

Additional Context

(Add any other context about the problem here)

not sure what you are doing but i use this code as a basis (excuse the pun) for curves…

Change viewport render purpose from render to guide will fix issue