I am new to CUDA, GPU programing and OptiX in general and have a precision problem in my calculations. I have tried converting my float variables in my hit program to doubles, as I need higher precision, which compiles into .ptx-files fine. However, I get errors when running my program (with doubles, floats works fine) and I do not understand why or what I should do to fix it. Any suggestions on what I could do?
Please let me know if information is missing and I can post that as well.
Errors in console
[DISKCACHE] Cache hit for key: ptx-10207-keyf7a090663539551078321e3d07663c28-sm_89-rtc1-drv538.08
[DISKCACHE] Cache miss for key: ptx-83571-key9d0c3f38176841f99a2ef91e90e50538-sm_89-rtc1-drv538.08
[COMPILER] Info: Pipeline parameter "params" size is 112 bytes
Warning: Program is doing double precision computations. No source location available. The input PTX may not contain debug information (nvcc option: -lineinfo), OptixModuleCompileOptions::debugLevel set to OPTIX_COMPILE_DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, or no useful information is present for the current block.
Warning: Program is doing double precision computations. No source location available. The input PTX may not contain debug information (nvcc option: -lineinfo), OptixModuleCompileOptions::debugLevel set to OPTIX_COMPILE_DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, or no useful information is present for the current block.
Warning: Program is doing double precision computations. No source location available. The input PTX may not contain debug information (nvcc option: -lineinfo), OptixModuleCompileOptions::debugLevel set to OPTIX_COMPILE_DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, or no useful information is present for the current block.
Hit program with floats
#include <optix.h>
#include "../src/CommonStructs.h"
#include "../sutil/vec_math.h"
#include <cuComplex.h>
extern "C" {
__constant__ LaunchParams params;
__device__ void calculateOuterProduct(const float3& a, const float3& b, float c[3][3]) {
c[0][0] = a.x * b.x;
c[0][1] = a.x * b.y;
c[0][2] = a.x * b.z;
c[1][0] = a.y * b.x;
c[1][1] = a.y * b.y;
c[1][2] = a.y * b.z;
c[2][0] = a.z * b.x;
c[2][1] = a.z * b.y;
c[2][2] = a.z * b.z;
__device__ cuFloatComplex cuCexpf(cuFloatComplex z) {
float expReal = expf(cuCrealf(z));
float imagPart = fmodf(cuCimagf(z), 2.0f * M_PIf); // Reduce the angle
//printf("imagpart: %f\n", imagPart);
return make_cuFloatComplex(expReal * cosf(imagPart), expReal * sinf(imagPart));
__device__ __forceinline__ cuFloatComplex my_cexpf (cuFloatComplex z) {
cuFloatComplex res;
float t = expf (z.x);
sincos (z.y, &res.y, &res.x);
res.x *= t;
res.y *= t;
return res;
extern "C" {
__device__ float3* vertexBuffer;
__global__ void __closesthit__ch() {
const unsigned int primIdx = optixGetPrimitiveIndex();
// Fetch the three indices for the current triangle
int idx0 = params.indexBuffer[primIdx * 3];
int idx1 = params.indexBuffer[primIdx * 3 + 1];
int idx2 = params.indexBuffer[primIdx * 3 + 2];
// Fetch vertex positions using the indices
const float3 v0 = params.vertexBuffer[idx0];
const float3 v1 = params.vertexBuffer[idx1];
const float3 v2 = params.vertexBuffer[idx2];
float3 edge1 = v1 - v0;
float3 edge2 = v2 - v0;
float3 normal = normalize(cross(edge1, edge2));
const float3 rayDir = optixGetWorldRayDirection();
if (dot(normal, rayDir) > 0.0f) normal = -normal;
float3 hitPoint = optixGetWorldRayOrigin() + rayDir * optixGetRayTmax();
float3 reflectDir = normalize(reflect(normalize(rayDir), normal));
float distance = length(hitPoint - optixGetWorldRayOrigin());
float3 k_i = rayDir;
// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ REMEMBER THIS MAY CAUSE ISSUES @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
if(k_i.x == -normal.x && k_i.y == -normal.y && k_i.z == -normal.z) {
normal.x = 1.0f;
normal.y = 0.0f;
normal.z = 0.0f;
float3 n_row = normal;
float3 n_col = normal;
float nn[3][3] = {0};
calculateOuterProduct(n_row, n_col, nn);
float identityMatrix[3][3] = {
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}
float I_minus_2_nn[3][3] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
I_minus_2_nn[i][j] = identityMatrix[i][j] - 2 * nn[i][j];
float3 k_r;
k_r.x = I_minus_2_nn[0][0] * k_i.x + I_minus_2_nn[0][1] * k_i.y + I_minus_2_nn[0][2] * k_i.z;
k_r.y = I_minus_2_nn[1][0] * k_i.x + I_minus_2_nn[1][1] * k_i.y + I_minus_2_nn[1][2] * k_i.z;
k_r.z = I_minus_2_nn[2][0] * k_i.x + I_minus_2_nn[2][1] * k_i.y + I_minus_2_nn[2][2] * k_i.z;
// Calculating e_i_perp
float3 e_i_perp = normalize(cross(k_i, normal));
//printf("e_i_perp = [%f, %f, %f]\n", e_i_perp.x, e_i_perp.y, e_i_perp.z);
// Calculating e_i_par
float3 e_i_par = cross(e_i_perp, k_i);
//printf("e_i_par = [%f, %f, %f]\n", e_i_par.x, e_i_par.y, e_i_par.z);
// Calculating e_r_perp
float3 e_r_perp = normalize(cross(k_r, normal));
//printf("e_r_perp = [%f, %f, %f]\n", e_r_perp.x, e_r_perp.y, e_r_perp.z);
// Calculating e_r_par
float3 e_r_par = cross(e_r_perp, k_r);
//printf("e_r_par = [%f, %f, %f]\n", e_r_par.x, e_r_par.y, e_r_par.z);
// Calculating R
const float R_perp = -1;
const float R_par = -1;
//printf("R: %f\n", R);
float ee1[3][3] = {0};
calculateOuterProduct(e_i_perp, e_r_perp, ee1);
float ee2[3][3] = {0};
calculateOuterProduct(e_i_par, e_r_par, ee2);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
//printf("Element [%d, %d]: %f || ", i, j, ee1[i][j]);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
//printf("Element [%d, %d]: %f || ", i, j, ee2[i][j]);
float R[3][3] = {0};
R[0][0] = ee1[0][0] * R_perp + ee2[0][0] * R_par;
R[0][1] = ee1[0][1] * R_perp + ee2[0][1] * R_par;
R[0][2] = ee1[0][2] * R_perp + ee2[0][2] * R_par;
R[1][0] = ee1[1][0] * R_perp + ee2[1][0] * R_par;
R[1][1] = ee1[1][1] * R_perp + ee2[1][1] * R_par;
R[1][2] = ee1[1][2] * R_perp + ee2[1][2] * R_par;
R[2][0] = ee1[2][0] * R_perp + ee2[2][0] * R_par;
R[2][1] = ee1[2][1] * R_perp + ee2[2][1] * R_par;
R[2][2] = ee1[2][2] * R_perp + ee2[2][2] * R_par;
// Initial Electric field E_i
float3 E_i = make_float3(__uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_9()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_10()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_11()));
float3 E_i_imaginary = make_float3(__uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_12()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_13()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_14()));
// Calculate the phase term
float frequency = 10e9;
cuFloatComplex I = make_cuFloatComplex(0.0f, 1.0f);
float k = 2 * M_PIf * frequency / params.antenna.c;
printf("k: %f\n", k);
float normpq = sqrt((optixGetWorldRayOrigin().x - hitPoint.x) * (optixGetWorldRayOrigin().x - hitPoint.x) +
(optixGetWorldRayOrigin().y - hitPoint.y) * (optixGetWorldRayOrigin().y - hitPoint.y) +
(optixGetWorldRayOrigin().z - hitPoint.z) * (optixGetWorldRayOrigin().z - hitPoint.z));
printf("normpq: %f\n", normpq);
float k_normpq = k * normpq;
printf("k_normpq: %f\n", k_normpq);
printf("cos(k_normpq): %f\n", cos(k_normpq));
printf("sin(k_normpq): %f\n", sin(k_normpq));
cuFloatComplex exponent_x = cuCmulf(I, make_cuFloatComplex(k * normpq, 0));
cuFloatComplex exponent_y = cuCmulf(I, make_cuFloatComplex(k * normpq, 0));
cuFloatComplex exponent_z = cuCmulf(I, make_cuFloatComplex(k * normpq, 0));
printf("exponent_x: [%f, %f]\n", cuCrealf(exponent_x), cuCimagf(exponent_x));
printf("exponent_y: [%f, %f]\n", cuCrealf(exponent_y), cuCimagf(exponent_y));
printf("exponent_z: [%f, %f]\n", cuCrealf(exponent_z), cuCimagf(exponent_z));
cuFloatComplex phase_x = my_cexpf(exponent_x); //my_cexpf, cuCexpf
cuFloatComplex phase_y = my_cexpf(exponent_y);
cuFloatComplex phase_z = my_cexpf(exponent_z);
printf("exp_term_real: [%f, %f, %f]\n", cuCrealf(phase_x), cuCrealf(phase_y), cuCrealf(phase_z));
printf("exp_term_imag: [%f, %f, %f]\n", cuCimagf(phase_x), cuCimagf(phase_y), cuCimagf(phase_z));
// Apply the phase term to the electric field
cuFloatComplex E_i_complex_x = make_cuFloatComplex(E_i.x, E_i_imaginary.x);
cuFloatComplex E_i_complex_y = make_cuFloatComplex(E_i.y, E_i_imaginary.y);
cuFloatComplex E_i_complex_z = make_cuFloatComplex(E_i.z, E_i_imaginary.z);
// printf("E_i_complex_real: [%f, %f, %f]\n", cuCrealf(E_i_complex_x), cuCrealf(E_i_complex_y), cuCrealf(E_i_complex_z));
// printf("E_i_complex_imag: [%f, %f, %f]\n", cuCimagf(E_i_complex_x), cuCimagf(E_i_complex_y), cuCimagf(E_i_complex_z));
E_i_complex_x = cuCmulf(E_i_complex_x, phase_x);
E_i_complex_y = cuCmulf(E_i_complex_y, phase_y);
E_i_complex_z = cuCmulf(E_i_complex_z, phase_z);
printf("E_i_complex_real*phasefactor: [%f, %f, %f]\n", cuCrealf(E_i_complex_x), cuCrealf(E_i_complex_y), cuCrealf(E_i_complex_z));
printf("E_i_complex_imag*phasefactor: [%f, %f, %f]\n\n\n", cuCimagf(E_i_complex_x), cuCimagf(E_i_complex_y), cuCimagf(E_i_complex_z));
// Calculate E_r
cuFloatComplex E_r_x = cuCaddf(
cuCaddf(cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[0][0], 0), E_i_complex_x),
cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[0][1], 0), E_i_complex_y)),
cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[0][2], 0), E_i_complex_z));
cuFloatComplex E_r_y = cuCaddf(
cuCaddf(cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[1][0], 0), E_i_complex_x),
cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[1][1], 0), E_i_complex_y)),
cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[1][2], 0), E_i_complex_z));
cuFloatComplex E_r_z = cuCaddf(
cuCaddf(cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[2][0], 0), E_i_complex_x),
cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[2][1], 0), E_i_complex_y)),
cuCmulf(make_cuFloatComplex(R[2][2], 0), E_i_complex_z));
// Split E_r components into real and imaginary parts
float E_r_x_real = cuCrealf(E_r_x);
float E_r_x_imag = cuCimagf(E_r_x);
float E_r_y_real = cuCrealf(E_r_y);
float E_r_y_imag = cuCimagf(E_r_y);
float E_r_z_real = cuCrealf(E_r_z);
double E_r_z_imag = cuCimagf(E_r_z);
printf("E_r_x_real: [%f, %f, %f]\n", E_r_x_real, E_r_y_real, E_r_z_real);
printf("E_r_x_imag: [%f, %f, %f]\n", E_r_x_imag, E_r_y_imag, E_r_z_imag);
//printf("E_r: [%f, %f, %f]\n", E_r.x, E_r.y, E_r.z);
optixSetPayload_0(__float_as_uint(length(hitPoint - optixGetWorldRayOrigin())));
optixSetPayload_7(optixGetPayload_7() + 1); // Increment bounce counter
optixSetPayload_8(optixGetPayload_8()); // Preserve previous intensity or other data
Hit program with doubles
#include <optix.h>
#include "../src/CommonStructs.h"
#include "../sutil/vec_math.h"
#include <cuComplex.h>
extern "C" {
__constant__ LaunchParams params;
__device__ void calculateOuterProduct(const double3& a, const double3& b, double c[3][3]) {
c[0][0] = a.x * b.x;
c[0][1] = a.x * b.y;
c[0][2] = a.x * b.z;
c[1][0] = a.y * b.x;
c[1][1] = a.y * b.y;
c[1][2] = a.y * b.z;
c[2][0] = a.z * b.x;
c[2][1] = a.z * b.y;
c[2][2] = a.z * b.z;
__device__ double3 make_double3_from_float3(const float3& f) {
return make_double3(static_cast<double>(f.x), static_cast<double>(f.y), static_cast<double>(f.z));
// Vector subtraction for double3
__device__ double3 operator-(const double3& a, const double3& b) {
return make_double3(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);
// Vector addition for double3
__device__ double3 operator+(const double3& a, const double3& b) {
return make_double3(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z);
// Scalar multiplication for double3
__device__ double3 operator*(const double3& a, double b) {
return make_double3(a.x * b, a.y * b, a.z * b);
// Cross product for double3
__device__ double3 cross(const double3& a, const double3& b) {
return make_double3(
a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y,
a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z,
a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
// Dot product for double3
__device__ double dot(const double3& a, const double3& b) {
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;
// Normalize function for double3
__device__ double3 normalize(const double3& v) {
double invLen = 1.0 / sqrt(dot(v, v));
return v * invLen;
// Reflect function for double3
__device__ double3 reflect(const double3& I, const double3& N) {
return I - N * 2.0 * dot(N, I);
__device__ double length(const double3& v) {
return sqrt(dot(v, v));
__device__ cuDoubleComplex cuCexp(cuDoubleComplex z) {
double expReal = exp(cuCreal(z));
double imagPart = fmod(cuCimag(z), 2.0 * M_PIf); // Reduce the angle
return make_cuDoubleComplex(expReal * cos(imagPart), expReal * sin(imagPart));
__device__ __forceinline__ cuDoubleComplex my_cexp(cuDoubleComplex z) {
cuDoubleComplex res;
double t = exp(z.x);
sincos(z.y, &res.y, &res.x);
res.x *= t;
res.y *= t;
return res;
extern "C" {
__device__ double3* vertexBuffer;
__global__ void __closesthit__ch() {
const unsigned int primIdx = optixGetPrimitiveIndex();
// Fetch the three indices for the current triangle
int idx0 = params.indexBuffer[primIdx * 3];
int idx1 = params.indexBuffer[primIdx * 3 + 1];
int idx2 = params.indexBuffer[primIdx * 3 + 2];
// Fetch vertex positions using the indices
const double3 v0 = make_double3_from_float3(params.vertexBuffer[idx0]);
const double3 v1 = make_double3_from_float3(params.vertexBuffer[idx1]);
const double3 v2 = make_double3_from_float3(params.vertexBuffer[idx2]);
double3 edge1 = v1 - v0;
double3 edge2 = v2 - v0;
double3 normal = normalize(cross(edge1, edge2));
const double3 rayDir = make_double3_from_float3(optixGetWorldRayDirection());
if (dot(normal, rayDir) > 0.0) normal = normal*(-1);
double3 hitPoint = make_double3_from_float3(optixGetWorldRayOrigin()) + rayDir * optixGetRayTmax();
double3 reflectDir = normalize(reflect(normalize(rayDir), normal));
double distance = length(hitPoint - make_double3_from_float3(optixGetWorldRayOrigin()));
double3 k_i = rayDir;
if(k_i.x == -normal.x && k_i.y == -normal.y && k_i.z == -normal.z) {
normal.x = 1.0;
normal.y = 0.0;
normal.z = 0.0;
double3 n_row = normal;
double3 n_col = normal;
double nn[3][3] = {0};
calculateOuterProduct(n_row, n_col, nn);
double identityMatrix[3][3] = {
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}
double I_minus_2_nn[3][3] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
I_minus_2_nn[i][j] = identityMatrix[i][j] - 2 * nn[i][j];
double3 k_r;
k_r.x = I_minus_2_nn[0][0] * k_i.x + I_minus_2_nn[0][1] * k_i.y + I_minus_2_nn[0][2] * k_i.z;
k_r.y = I_minus_2_nn[1][0] * k_i.x + I_minus_2_nn[1][1] * k_i.y + I_minus_2_nn[1][2] * k_i.z;
k_r.z = I_minus_2_nn[2][0] * k_i.x + I_minus_2_nn[2][1] * k_i.y + I_minus_2_nn[2][2] * k_i.z;
double3 e_i_perp = normalize(cross(k_i, normal));
double3 e_i_par = cross(e_i_perp, k_i);
double3 e_r_perp = normalize(cross(k_r, normal));
double3 e_r_par = cross(e_r_perp, k_r);
const double R_perp = -1;
const double R_par = -1;
double ee1[3][3] = {0};
calculateOuterProduct(e_i_perp, e_r_perp, ee1);
double ee2[3][3] = {0};
calculateOuterProduct(e_i_par, e_r_par, ee2);
double R[3][3] = {0};
R[0][0] = ee1[0][0] * R_perp + ee2[0][0] * R_par;
R[0][1] = ee1[0][1] * R_perp + ee2[0][1] * R_par;
R[0][2] = ee1[0][2] * R_perp + ee2[0][2] * R_par;
R[1][0] = ee1[1][0] * R_perp + ee2[1][0] * R_par;
R[1][1] = ee1[1][1] * R_perp + ee2[1][1] * R_par;
R[1][2] = ee1[1][2] * R_perp + ee2[1][2] * R_par;
R[2][0] = ee1[2][0] * R_perp + ee2[2][0] * R_par;
R[2][1] = ee1[2][1] * R_perp + ee2[2][1] * R_par;
R[2][2] = ee1[2][2] * R_perp + ee2[2][2] * R_par;
double3 E_i = make_double3(__uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_9()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_10()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_11()));
double3 E_i_imaginary = make_double3(__uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_12()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_13()), __uint_as_float(optixGetPayload_14()));
double frequency = 10e9;
cuDoubleComplex I = make_cuDoubleComplex(0.0, 1.0);
double k = 2 * M_PIf * frequency / params.antenna.c;
double normpq = length(make_double3_from_float3(optixGetWorldRayOrigin()) - hitPoint);
cuDoubleComplex exponent_x = cuCmul(I, make_cuDoubleComplex(k * normpq, 0));
cuDoubleComplex exponent_y = cuCmul(I, make_cuDoubleComplex(k * normpq, 0));
cuDoubleComplex exponent_z = cuCmul(I, make_cuDoubleComplex(k * normpq, 0));
cuDoubleComplex phase_x = my_cexp(exponent_x);
cuDoubleComplex phase_y = my_cexp(exponent_y);
cuDoubleComplex phase_z = my_cexp(exponent_z);
cuDoubleComplex E_i_complex_x = make_cuDoubleComplex(E_i.x, E_i_imaginary.x);
cuDoubleComplex E_i_complex_y = make_cuDoubleComplex(E_i.y, E_i_imaginary.y);
cuDoubleComplex E_i_complex_z = make_cuDoubleComplex(E_i.z, E_i_imaginary.z);
E_i_complex_x = cuCmul(E_i_complex_x, phase_x);
E_i_complex_y = cuCmul(E_i_complex_y, phase_y);
E_i_complex_z = cuCmul(E_i_complex_z, phase_z);
cuDoubleComplex E_r_x = cuCadd(
cuCadd(cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[0][0], 0), E_i_complex_x),
cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[0][1], 0), E_i_complex_y)),
cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[0][2], 0), E_i_complex_z));
cuDoubleComplex E_r_y = cuCadd(
cuCadd(cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[1][0], 0), E_i_complex_x),
cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[1][1], 0), E_i_complex_y)),
cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[1][2], 0), E_i_complex_z));
cuDoubleComplex E_r_z = cuCadd(
cuCadd(cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[2][0], 0), E_i_complex_x),
cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[2][1], 0), E_i_complex_y)),
cuCmul(make_cuDoubleComplex(R[2][2], 0), E_i_complex_z));
double E_r_x_real = cuCreal(E_r_x);
double E_r_x_imag = cuCimag(E_r_x);
double E_r_y_real = cuCreal(E_r_y);
double E_r_y_imag = cuCimag(E_r_y);
double E_r_z_real = cuCreal(E_r_z);
double E_r_z_imag = cuCimag(E_r_z);
optixSetPayload_0(__float_as_uint(static_cast<float>(length(hitPoint - make_double3_from_float3(optixGetWorldRayOrigin())))));
optixSetPayload_7(optixGetPayload_7() + 1); // Increment bounce counter
optixSetPayload_8(optixGetPayload_8()); // Preserve previous intensity or other data