Good day y’all,
I was able to install and run Riva on a Jetson Orin for the English language (“en-US”). However, after changing the configuration to German (“de-DE”), the installation still completed without any issues. But, when I attempted to run the server with using the
script, I encountered a “Health ready check failed” message after some time.
Specifically, the process repeatedly indicated:
“Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds” (this message repeated for some time),
“Waiting for Riva server to load all models…retrying in 10 seconds”,
“Health ready check failed.”
In the config only the service_enabled_asr is set to true (and the other nlp, tts, and nmt are set to false).
Could you inform me if the model for the German language is too large to run on this Orin? Or if you have successfully tested the German model on your side?
Hardware: Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano developer Kit (has 7.2GB RAM) - Jetpack 5.1.1 [L4T 35.3.1]
Riva Versions: riva_quickstart_arm64_2.14.0 and riva_quickstart_arm64_2.12.0 (both run fine for English model but not for German Model)