Issues running Torchaudio using the Nvidia Container

I’ve been working with the Nvidia Container used in the Getting Started with AI course. I’m trying to experiment with torchaudio, but when I import it. I get this error:

When I’m checking on the torchaudio utils file, I get an error specifically from the local import of the audio backends
Backend importError

The problem seems to happen when attempting a relative import inside of the container, as it happens inside of the file as well:

My torch version is 1.9.0, and my torchaudio version is 0.9.0a0+33b2469

The jetpack version I found from the command apt-cache show nvidia-jetpack is:

I am using a Jetson Xavier NX from Seeedstudio. The link to the product is here: Jetson SUB Mini PC-Blue with powerful Jetson Xavier NX module, aluminium frame enclosure, 128GB SSD, WIFI, antennas and pre-installed JetPack system.(Ready to use) - Seeed Studio . Any help on this would be appreciated

Hi @spolk, I would recommend upgrading your JetPack to JetPack 4.6.1 (L4T R32.7.1) and use one of these containers that have the SOX backend built for torchaudio:


Previous versions of these containers (which the DLI container is based off) did not include the fix (although you could rebuild them yourself from the latest dockerfiles at if you don’t want to upgrade your JetPack)

If you want to use JupyterLab, then I’d recommend using the l4t-ml container which has JupyterLab server already installed.

Updating to Jetpack 4.6.1 fixed all Issues I was having with torchaudio. Thank you for the help!

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