Issues with derived types and default initialisation


I have encountered two issues by setting default values in derived types and nvfortran (24.7).
First issue occurs with arrays:

program p_test_array

  implicit none

  integer, parameter :: a(5) = 2

  type foo
     integer :: i(6) = [1, a]
  end type foo

  type(foo) :: bar

  print *, bar% i

end program p_test_array

This error occurred:
nvfortran-Fatal-/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/24.7/compilers/bin/tools/fort2 TERMINATED by signal 11

The second issue with pointers:

module mod
  implicit none

  integer, target :: par

  subroutine set
    par = 1
  end subroutine set
end module mod

program p_test_pointer
  use mod, only: par, set

  implicit none

  type foo
     integer, pointer :: i => par
  end type foo

  type(foo) :: bar

  call set
  print *, bar% i

end program p_test_pointer

This error occurred:
NVFORTRAN-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (test2.f90: 18)
0 inform, 0 warnings, 1 severes, 0 fatal for p_test_pointer

Both examples compile fine with gfortran and ifort.
Can you have a look?

Hi t.huether,

For the first example, this appears to be a compiler issue so I went ahead an filed a problem report, TPR #36386, and sent it to engineering for investigation.

For the second example, nvfortran doesn’t support data type pointer initialization, just initialization of procedure pointers. This is expected to be supported when we release our next generation Fortran compiler based on our collaboration with the LLVM community’s “new” Flang project.
