Jetson AGX Orin power consumption

I want to know what’s included in VDD_GPU_SOC-IN_POWER and VDD_CPU_CV-IN_POWER.

Is it correct?


I’m wondering what SOC refers in VDD_GPU_SOC

  1. As per the below figure in technical brief, SOC includes all of the CPU & GPU & ACCEL (ex. DLA, PVA).

  1. As per the below link, CV includes PVA and DLA
    NVIDIA Jetson Xavier - Evaluating Performance - RidgeRun Developer Connection

  2. As per the below link,
    The total power is close to the sum of GPU, CPU and 5V0.
    Jetson AGX Orin power consumption in Deep sleep mode and in another mode

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the late response, I will forward this issue to internal team to have the sugestions. Thanks

Hi @pz1004 ,
Actually, for Orin Core power design, there are four major power rails
1). VDD_CPU : For12-core Arm Cortex-A78AE v8.2 64-bit CPU.
2). VDD_GPU : For NVIDIA Ampere architecture with 2048 NVIDIA® CUDA® cores and 64 Tensor cores.
3). VDD_SOC : Logic rail for Orin SoC, excluding major sub-blocks such as CPU, GPU, and CV (Computer Vision)
4). VDD_CV : Power rail for Computer Vision cluster which consists of two primary engines: Programmable Vision Accelerator (PVA) and Deep Learning Accelerator (DLA).

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