NVIDIA is pleased to announce that the Jetson AGX Xavier production compute module is now available!
The standalone module assembly, which includes the pre-mounted Thermal Transfer Plate (TTP) pictured above, can be ordered through distributors listed on this page. They will be receiving stock of the modules shortly. Volume pricing of the module is $899 USD in quanities of 1000 units.
The module is intended for integration into production systems. To get started developing, see the Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit.
@dusty_nv Can you explain why the Xavier module is currently several hundred dollars more than the devkit? I believe the dev kit is now $699 whereas the module alone is $899. Why would the bare module cost more when the devkit includes more components? It would be cheaper to just buy the devkit and extract the module to use with a custom carrier board.
As far as I can tell:
The bare module comes with a longer warranty, guaranteed to be included as a part in a bigger product.
The developer kit comes with a shorter warranty, intended for sale to consumer-style end users.